Method Summary |
public void | ackReceived(Request sipRequest) Marks that the dialog has seen an ACK. |
public synchronized void | addRoute(Message sipMessage) Extracts the route information from this SIP Message and
add the relevant information to the route set. |
public void | addTransaction(Transaction transaction) Adds a transaction record to the dialog. |
public Request | createRequest(String method) Creates a new Request message based on the dialog creating request.
This method should be used for but not limited to creating Bye's,
Refer's and re-Invite's on the Dialog. |
public void | delete() This method will release all resources associated with this dialog
that are tracked by the Provider. |
protected void | deleteTransactions() Marks all the transactions in the dialog inactive and ready
for garbage collection. |
public Object | getApplicationData() Gets pointer to opaque application data. |
public CallIdHeader | getCallId() Returns the Call-ID for this SipSession. |
public String | getDialogId() Gets the id for this dialog. |
public Transaction | getFirstTransaction() Gets the transaction that created this dialog. |
public Request | getLastAck() Gets the last ACK. |
public Transaction | getLastTransaction() Gets the last transaction from the dialog. |
public Address | getLocalParty() Gets the local Address for this dialog. |
public int | getLocalSequenceNumber() Gets the local sequence number (for cseq assignment of outgoing
requests within this dialog). |
public String | getLocalTag() Gets local identifier for the dialog. |
public Hop | getNextHop() Gets the next hop. |
public Address | getRemoteParty() Returns the Address identifying the remote party. |
public int | getRemoteSequenceNumber() Gets the remote sequence number (for cseq assignment of outgoing
requests within this dialog). |
public String | getRemoteTag() Gets peer identifier identifier for the dialog.
This is used in ToHeader header tag construction for all outgoing
requests when we are the client of the dialog.
This is used in FromHeader tag construction for all outgoing
requests when we are the Server of the dialog. |
public Address | getRemoteTarget() Returns the Address identifying the remote target. |
public Enumeration | getRouteSet() Gets the route set for the dialog.
When acting as an User Agent Server
the route set MUST be set to the list of URIs in the
Record-Route header field from the request, taken in order and
preserving all URI parameters. |
public int | getState() Returns the current state of the dialogue. |
public int | incrementLocalSequenceNumber() Increments the local CSeqHeader # for the dialog. |
public boolean | isAckSeen() Returns true if the dialog has been acked. |
public boolean | isClientDialog() Returns true if this is a client dialog. |
public boolean | isInviteDialog() Checks if this is an invitation dialog. |
public boolean | isSecure() Returns true if this Dialog is secure i.e. |
public boolean | isServer() Returns true if is server. |
public boolean | isSubscribeDialog() Checks if this is a subscription dialog. |
public void | printTags() Debugging print for the dialog. |
public void | resendAck() Resends the last ack. |
public void | sendAck(Request request) Sends ACK Request to the remote party of this Dialogue. |
public void | sendRequest(ClientTransaction clientTransactionId) Sends a Request to the remote party of this dialog. |
public void | setApplicationData(Object applicationData) Sets the pointer to application data. |
public void | setDefaultRoute(RouteHeader defaultRoute) Sets the default route (the default next hop for the proxy or
the proxy address for the user agent). |
public void | setDialogId(String newDialogId) Sets the dialog identifier. |
protected void | setLocalSequenceNumber(int lCseq) Sets the local sequece number for the dialog (defaults to 1 when
the dialog is created). |
public void | setLocalTag(String mytag) Sets local tag for the transaction. |
protected void | setRemoteSequenceNumber(int rCseq) Sets the remote sequence number for the dialog. |
public void | setRemoteTag(String hisTag) Sets the remote tag. |
protected void | setRetransmissionTicks() Sets retransmission ticks. |
public void | setStack(SIPTransactionStack sipStack) Sets the stack address. |
public void | setState(int state) Sets the state for this dialog. |
public void | setUser(String user) Sets the user name for the default route. |
protected boolean | toRetransmitFinalResponse() Returns yes if the last response is to be retransmitted. |