Provides classes and interfaces for Java Card RMI connection.
The JavaCardRMIConnection interface defines the Java Card RMI
connection which can be used by J2ME applications to communicate with applications
on a smart card using Java Card RMI protocol.
A J2ME application uses stubs for communicating with remote objects
on a smart card. A stub is a proxy for a remote object. When passing a
remote object as a return value in a remote method call, the stub for that
remote object is passed instead. The J2ME application invokes a method
on the local stub which is responsible for carrying out the method call
on the remote object.
The RemoteStub class is the common superclass for stubs of
remote objects.
The interface RemoteRef represents the handle for a remote
object. Each stub contains an instance of RemoteRef. RemoteRef
contains the concrete representation of a reference. This reference is
used to carry out remote calls on the remote object for which it is a reference.
The RemoteStub class and RemoteRef interface are transparent
to J2ME applications. They are used by the stubs generated by the Java
Card RMI stub compiler.
@since SATSA1.0