| java.lang.Object sun.io.CharToByteConverter sun.io.CharToByteUnicode sun.io.CharToByteUTF16
CharToByteUTF16 | public class CharToByteUTF16 extends CharToByteUnicode (Code) | | Convert arrays containing Unicode characters into arrays of bytes, using
big-endian byte order and writing an initial byte-order mark.
CharToByteUTF16 | public CharToByteUTF16()(Code) | | |
getCharacterEncoding | public String getCharacterEncoding()(Code) | | |
Methods inherited from sun.io.CharToByteConverter | public boolean canConvert(char c)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public int convert(char[] input, int inStart, int inEnd, byte[] output, int outStart, int outEnd) throws MalformedInputException, UnknownCharacterException, ConversionBufferFullException(Code)(Java Doc) public byte[] convertAll(char input) throws MalformedInputException(Code)(Java Doc) public int convertAny(char[] input, int inStart, int inEnd, byte[] output, int outStart, int outEnd) throws ConversionBufferFullException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public int flush(byte[] output, int outStart, int outEnd) throws MalformedInputException, ConversionBufferFullException(Code)(Java Doc) public int flushAny(byte[] output, int outStart, int outEnd) throws ConversionBufferFullException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getBadInputLength()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public String getCharacterEncoding()(Code)(Java Doc) public static CharToByteConverter getConverter(String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException(Code)(Java Doc) public static CharToByteConverter getDefault()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public int getMaxBytesPerChar()(Code)(Java Doc) public int nextByteIndex()(Code)(Java Doc) public int nextCharIndex()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public void reset()(Code)(Java Doc) public void setSubstitutionBytes(byte[] newSubBytes) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setSubstitutionMode(boolean doSub)(Code)(Java Doc) public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)