Method Summary |
public static void | Help() |
public static Debug | getInstance(String option) Get a Debug object corresponding to whether or not the given
option is set. |
public static Debug | getInstance(String option, String prefix) Get a Debug object corresponding to whether or not the given
option is set. |
public static boolean | isOn(String option) True if the system property "security.debug" contains the
string "option". |
public void | println(String message) print a message to stderr that is prefixed with the prefix
created from the call to getInstance. |
public void | println() print a blank line to stderr that is prefixed with the prefix. |
public static void | println(String prefix, String message) print a message to stderr that is prefixed with the prefix. |
public static String | toHexString(BigInteger b) return a hexadecimal printed representation of the specified
BigInteger object. |