| java.lang.Object com.db.server.ClientInformation
ClientInformation | final public class ClientInformation extends Object (Code) | | Instancited on the Client, ClientInformation is passed to the server to establish a connection.
It should never leave the server but be destroyed upon disconnection or upon reconnection with the same login and password.
Access to fields and fields modifications is only possible from the client (and therefore by the Avatar).
There is therefore no check about rights access to fields.
ADSL | final public static int ADSL(Code) | | |
CABLE | final public static int CABLE(Code) | | |
MODEM56K | final public static int MODEM56K(Code) | | Client unique ID from server (internal via network channel)
IP (there might be multiple clients on the same physical machine)
Connexion speed (to optimize settings but may be automatically calculated using a round trip of data with the server)
Country of call (to route data faster)
Connected to:
World Spot (this information can be recomputed using the avatar's position and orientation which isunique for a given Universe)
Avatar (including position and orientation)
3D Drawing radius (so that the server can push objects from the out cache) (may be calculated automatically by the client based on the user's
hardware information)
RNIS | final public static int RNIS(Code) | | |
T1 | final public static int T1(Code) | | |
T3 | final public static int T3(Code) | | |
m_fTimeFactor | public float m_fTimeFactor(Code) | | The speed of how fast the plants shall grow
m_vPlants | public Vector m_vPlants(Code) | | A list of all plants in this scene
Scene | public void Scene(Vector vPlants, float fTimeFactor)(Code) | | Constructor.
Creates the whole 3D scene and addt the plants to it. The animation is started
immediately when the scene is built.
Parameters: vPlants - The list of plants to add to the scene Parameters: fTimeFactor - The time factor of the growth speed. exception: Throws - an exception if received from a caled method. |
addPlant | public void addPlant(Plant plant)(Code) | | Adds a plant to the scene.
Parameters: plant - The plant to add. |
autoComputeConnectionSpeed | final public int autoComputeConnectionSpeed()(Code) | | |
autoComputeDrawingRadius | final public float autoComputeDrawingRadius()(Code) | | |
getClientPort | final public int getClientPort()(Code) | | |
getConnectionSpeed | final public int getConnectionSpeed()(Code) | | |
getCountryOfCall | final public String getCountryOfCall()(Code) | | |
getDrawingRadius | final public float getDrawingRadius()(Code) | | |
getHouseTransformGroup | public TransformGroup getHouseTransformGroup(float fLength, float fWidth, float fHeight)(Code) | | Constructor. Builds a house like shpae with the given measures.
The roof is 45° going down to the length-side.
Parameters: fLength - The lenght of one side of the house. Parameters: fWidth - The size of the other side of the house. Parameters: fHeight - The height of the sidewalls. The roof top will be half of the width higher. |
getServerPort | final public int getServerPort()(Code) | | |
getTimeFactor | public float getTimeFactor()(Code) | | Gets the time factor of this scene.
The time factor. |
setConnectionSpeed | final public void setConnectionSpeed(int connectionSpeed)(Code) | | |
setDrawingRadius | final public void setDrawingRadius(float drawingRadius)(Code) | | |
setTimeFactor | public void setTimeFactor(float fNewFactor)(Code) | | Sets the new time factor for the scene.
Parameters: fNewFactor - The new time factor for the scene. |