Method Summary |
public void | clear() Delete all compressed objects from this instance. |
public void | close() Release the resources associated with this instance. |
protected void | finalize() Release file resources when this object is garbage collected. |
public int | getCurrentIndex() Return the current object index associated with this instance. |
public String | getFileName() Return a string containing the file name associated with this instance
or null if there is none. |
public int | getMajorVersionNumber() Return the major version number of the most recent compressor used to
compress any of the objects in this instance. |
public int | getMinorMinorVersionNumber() Return the subminor version number of the most recent compressor used to
compress any of the objects in this instance. |
public int | getMinorVersionNumber() Return the minor version number of the most recent compressor used to
compress any of the objects in this instance. |
public int | getObjectCount() Return the number of compressed objects in this instance. |
void | initialize() |
CompressedGeometry | newCG(int geomSize, int geomStart, int geomDataType) |
void | open(String fname, boolean rw) |
public CompressedGeometry[] | read() Read all compressed geometry objects contained in the instance. |
public CompressedGeometry | read(int index) Read the compressed geometry object at the specified index. |
void | readDirectory(long offset, long[] directory) |
void | readFileHeader() |
public CompressedGeometry | readNext() Read the next compressed geometry object in the instance. |
CompressedGeometry | readNext(int bufferReadLimit) |
void | setFilePointer(long offset) |
public void | write(CompressedGeometry cg) Add a compressed geometry node component to the end of the instance.
The current object index becomes invalid; an immediately following call
to readNext() will return null. |
public void | write(CompressedGeometryHeader cgh, byte geometry) Add a buffer of compressed geometry data to the end of the
resource. |
void | writeFileDirectory() |
void | writeFileHeader() |