| java.lang.Object com.sun.j3d.utils.trackers.Tracker com.sun.j3d.utils.trackers.JavaOneLogitechTracker
JavaOneLogitechTracker | public class JavaOneLogitechTracker extends Tracker (Code) | | NOTE: this class is very much out of date. It is using deprecated
1.1 API method View.addInputDevice. This method is
now gone in 1.2. The offending lines have been commented out
and marked with an "OBSOLETE:" comment.
The SharedMemoryLogitechTracker Class defines the code to make a
sharedMemoryLogitech input device work correctly.
version: 1.10, 98/03/16 21:15:21 author: Henry Sowizral |
Constructor Summary | |
public | JavaOneLogitechTracker(View view, String deviceFilename, int mode, int sensorCount, int buttonCount, boolean useGlasses) | public | JavaOneLogitechTracker(View view, int sensorCount, int buttonCount, boolean useGlasses) | public | JavaOneLogitechTracker(View view, String masterFilename, String slaveFilename, int mode, int sensorCount, int buttonCount, boolean useGlasses) |
Method Summary | |
native int | ProcessStream(float PosOrient, int Buttons) | native int | StartUp(String filename, boolean glasses) | public boolean | initialize() | public boolean | initialize(int baudRate) Initializes the SharedMemoryLogitech deviceFilename by opening the
device and sending the SharedMemoryLogitech the initialization information. | public void | pollAndProcessInput() Code to poll and then process the input from a sharedMemoryLogitech. | public void | processStreamInput() Code to process the device's streaming input. | void | setMatrixFromValues(float posOrient, Matrix3d Delta) | public void | setNominalPositionAndOrientation() Code to set the device's current position and orientation as the devices
nominal position and orientation(establish its reference frame relative
to the "Tracker base" reference frame). |
ButtonArray | static int[] ButtonArray(Code) | | |
ButtonCount | final static int ButtonCount(Code) | | |
PositionOrientation | static float[] PositionOrientation(Code) | | |
SensorCount | final static int SensorCount(Code) | | |
currentSensor | int currentSensor(Code) | | |
deviceEulerAngles | Vector3d deviceEulerAngles(Code) | | |
deviceTranslateValues | Vector3d deviceTranslateValues(Code) | | |
headTrackingEnabled | boolean headTrackingEnabled(Code) | | |
newLocation | Vector3d newLocation(Code) | | |
newMatrix | Matrix3d newMatrix(Code) | | |
oldLocation | Vector3d oldLocation(Code) | | |
oldMatrix | Matrix3d oldMatrix(Code) | | |
pitchMat | Matrix3d pitchMat(Code) | | |
rollMat | Matrix3d rollMat(Code) | | |
tmpMatrix | Matrix3d tmpMatrix(Code) | | |
tmpVector | Vector3d tmpVector(Code) | | |
useGlasses | boolean useGlasses(Code) | | |
JavaOneLogitechTracker | public JavaOneLogitechTracker(View view, String deviceFilename, int mode, int sensorCount, int buttonCount, boolean useGlasses)(Code) | | Construct a new SharedMemoryLogitechTracker
Parameters: view - the view object Parameters: mode - the mode of access one of POLLED or STREAMING Parameters: sensorCount - the number of sensors associated with this sharedMemoryLogitech Parameters: buttonCount - the number of buttons associated with each sensor |
JavaOneLogitechTracker | public JavaOneLogitechTracker(View view, int sensorCount, int buttonCount, boolean useGlasses)(Code) | | Construct a new SharedMemoryLogitechTracker
Parameters: sensorCount - the number of sensors associated with this sharedMemoryLogitech Parameters: buttonCount - the number of buttons associated with each sensor |
JavaOneLogitechTracker | public JavaOneLogitechTracker(View view, String masterFilename, String slaveFilename, int mode, int sensorCount, int buttonCount, boolean useGlasses)(Code) | | Construct a new SharedMemoryLogitechTracker with a hand tracker
Parameters: view - the view object Parameters: masterFilename - the SharedMemoryLogitech's master port device name Parameters: mode - the mode of access one of POLLED or STREAMING Parameters: sensorCount - the number of sensors associated with this sharedMemoryLogitech Parameters: buttonCount - the number of buttons associated with each sensor |
ProcessStream | native int ProcessStream(float PosOrient, int Buttons)(Code) | | |
StartUp | native int StartUp(String filename, boolean glasses)(Code) | | |
initialize | public boolean initialize()(Code) | | Code to initialize the device
Parameters: deviceFilename - |
initialize | public boolean initialize(int baudRate)(Code) | | Initializes the SharedMemoryLogitech deviceFilename by opening the
device and sending the SharedMemoryLogitech the initialization information.
Parameters: deviceFilename - the SharedMemoryLogitech's deviceFilename Parameters: baudRate - the speed we want the SharedMemoryLogitech to run at |
pollAndProcessInput | public void pollAndProcessInput()(Code) | | Code to poll and then process the input from a sharedMemoryLogitech.
processStreamInput | public void processStreamInput()(Code) | | Code to process the device's streaming input.
setMatrixFromValues | void setMatrixFromValues(float posOrient, Matrix3d Delta)(Code) | | Code to construct a delta Matrix from SharedMemoryLogitech inputs
setNominalPositionAndOrientation | public void setNominalPositionAndOrientation()(Code) | | Code to set the device's current position and orientation as the devices
nominal position and orientation(establish its reference frame relative
to the "Tracker base" reference frame).