Method Summary |
void | addInputDeviceScheduler(InputDeviceScheduler ds) |
void | addMirrorObject(ObjectUpdate o) |
UnorderList | cloneView() Return a clone of View, we can't access
individual element of View after getting the size
in separate API call without synchronized views. |
void | createMCThreads() This procedure create MC thread that start together with MC. |
void | createMasterControlThread() Create and start the MasterControl Thread. |
void | doWork() |
void | dumpWorkThreads() |
void | freeCanvasId(int canvasId) |
void | freeDisplayListId(Integer id) |
void | freeTexture2DId(int id) |
void | freeTexture3DId(int id) |
int | getCanvasId() |
RenderMethod | getCompressedGeometryRenderMethod() |
long | getContextTimeStamp() |
static Logger | getCoreLogger() |
RenderMethod | getDefaultRenderMethod() |
static Logger | getDevLogger() |
Integer | getDisplayListId() |
RenderMethod | getDisplayListRenderMethod() |
InputDeviceBlockingThread | getInputDeviceBlockingThread(InputDevice device) Invoke from InputDeviceScheduler to create an
InputDeviceBlockingThread. |
RenderMethod | getOrientedShape3DRenderMethod() |
int | getRendererBit() |
int | getRendererId() |
static Logger | getStatsLogger() |
RenderMethod | getText3DRenderMethod() |
int | getTexture2DId() |
int | getTexture3DId() |
int | getThreadPriority() |
final long | getTime() |
RenderMethod | getVertexArrayRenderMethod() |
static boolean | isAppletLauncher() Returns a flag indicating whether the sun.jnlp.applet.launcher system
property is set to true. |
static boolean | isCoreLoggable(Level level) |
final boolean | isD3D() Returns whether we are using D3D. |
static boolean | isDevLoggable(Level level) |
boolean | isRegistered(View view) |
static boolean | isStatsLoggable(Level level) |
final static boolean | isWindows() |
static void | loadLibraries() Method to create and initialize the rendering Pipeline object,
and to load the native libraries needed by Java 3D. |
boolean | mcThreadDone() This procedure is invoked when isRunning is false. |
void | postRequest(Integer type, Object obj) |
void | processMessage(J3dMessage message) This takes a given message and parses it out to the structures and
marks its time value. |
void | processMessage(J3dMessage[] messages) This takes an array of messages and parses them out to the structures and
marks the time value. |
synchronized void | recordTime(TimeType type, long deltaTime) |
void | removeInputDeviceScheduler(InputDeviceScheduler ds) |
synchronized void | runMonitor(int action, UnorderList stateThreadList, UnorderList renderThreadList, UnorderList requestRenderThreadList, J3dThread nthread) |
void | sendAllocateCanvasId(Canvas3D c) |
void | sendCreateOffScreenBuffer(Canvas3D c) |
void | sendDestroyCtxAndOffScreenBuffer(Canvas3D c) |
void | sendFreeCanvasId(Canvas3D c) |
void | sendMessage(J3dMessage message) Send a message to another Java 3D thread. |
void | sendNotification(J3dNotification notification) This takes the specified notification message and sends it to the
notification thread for processing. |
void | sendRenderMessage(GraphicsConfiguration gc, Object arg, Integer mtype) Call from GraphicsConfigTemplate to evaluate current
capabilities using Renderer thread to invoke native
graphics library functions. |
void | sendRunMessage(int targetThreads) Send a message to another Java 3D thread. |
void | sendRunMessage(long waitTime, View view, int targetThreads) Send a message to another Java 3D thread. |
void | sendRunMessage(View v, int targetThreads) Send a message to another Java 3D thread. |
void | sendRunMessage(VirtualUniverse u, int targetThreads) This sends a run message to the given threads. |
void | setThreadPriority(int pri) Set thread priority to all threads under Java3D thread group. |
final void | setWork() A convienence wrapper function for various parts of the system
to force MC to run. |
final void | setWorkForRequestRenderer() |
final static void | threadYield() Yields the current thread, by sleeping for a small amount of
time. |
void | updateMirrorObjects() This updates any mirror objects. |