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public class PolygonAttributes extends NodeComponent (Code)
The PolygonAttributes object defines attributes for rendering polygon primitives. Polygon primitives include triangles, triangle strips, triangle fans, and quads. The polygon attributes that can be defined are:

  • Rasterization mode - defines how the polygon is drawn: as points, outlines, or filled.

    • POLYGON_POINT - the polygon is rendered as points drawn at the vertices.
    • POLYGON_LINE - the polygon is rendered as lines drawn between consecutive vertices.
    • POLYGON_FILL - the polygon is rendered by filling the interior between the vertices. The default mode.
  • Face culling - defines which polygons are culled (discarded) before they are converted to screen coordinates.

    • CULL_NONE - disables face culling.
    • CULL_BACK - culls all back-facing polygons. The default.
    • CULL_FRONT - culls all front-facing polygons.
  • Back-face normal flip - specifies whether vertex normals of back-facing polygons are flipped (negated) prior to lighting. The setting is either true, meaning to flip back-facing normals, or false. The default is false.
  • Offset - the depth values of all pixels generated by polygon rasterization can be offset by a value that is computed for that polygon. Two values are used to specify the offset:
    • Offset bias - the constant polygon offset that is added to the final device coordinate Z value of polygon primitives.
    • Offset factor - the factor to be multiplied by the slope of the polygon and then added to the final, device coordinate Z value of the polygon primitives.
    These values can be either positive or negative. The default for both of these values is 0.0.

See Also:   Appearance

Field Summary
final public static  intALLOW_CULL_FACE_READ
     Specifies that this PolygonAttributes object allows reading its cull face information.
final public static  intALLOW_CULL_FACE_WRITE
     Specifies that this PolygonAttributes object allows writing its cull face information.
final public static  intALLOW_MODE_READ
     Specifies that this PolygonAttributes object allows reading its polygon mode information.
final public static  intALLOW_MODE_WRITE
     Specifies that this PolygonAttributes object allows writing its polygon mode information.
final public static  intALLOW_NORMAL_FLIP_READ
     Specifies that this PolygonAttributes object allows reading its back face normal flip flag.
final public static  intALLOW_NORMAL_FLIP_WRITE
     Specifies that this PolygonAttributes object allows writing its back face normal flip flag.
final public static  intALLOW_OFFSET_READ
     Specifies that this PolygonAttributes object allows reading its polygon offset information.
final public static  intALLOW_OFFSET_WRITE
     Specifies that this PolygonAttributes object allows writing its polygon offset information.
final public static  intCULL_BACK
     Cull all back-facing polygons.
final public static  intCULL_FRONT
     Cull all front-facing polygons.
final public static  intCULL_NONE
     Don't perform any face culling.
final public static  intPOLYGON_FILL
     Render polygonal primitives by filling the interior of the polygon.
final public static  intPOLYGON_LINE
     Render polygonal primitives as lines drawn between consecutive vertices of the polygon.
final public static  intPOLYGON_POINT
     Render polygonal primitives as points drawn at the vertices of the polygon.

Constructor Summary
public  PolygonAttributes()
     Constructs a PolygonAttributes object with default parameters.
public  PolygonAttributes(int polygonMode, int cullFace, float polygonOffset)
     Constructs a PolygonAttributes object with specified values.
public  PolygonAttributes(int polygonMode, int cullFace, float polygonOffset, boolean backFaceNormalFlip)
     Constructs PolygonAttributes object with specified values.
public  PolygonAttributes(int polygonMode, int cullFace, float polygonOffset, boolean backFaceNormalFlip, float polygonOffsetFactor)
     Constructs PolygonAttributes object with specified values.

Method Summary
public  NodeComponentcloneNodeComponent()
     Creates a retained mode PolygonAttributesRetained object that this PolygonAttributes component object will point to.
 voidduplicateAttributes(NodeComponent originalNodeComponent, boolean forceDuplicate)
     Copies all node information from originalNodeComponent into the current node.
public  booleangetBackFaceNormalFlip()
     Gets the back face normal flip flag.
public  intgetCullFace()
     Gets the face culling for this appearance component object.
public  intgetPolygonMode()
     Gets the polygon rasterization mode for this appearance component object.
public  floatgetPolygonOffset()
     Gets the constant polygon offset.
public  floatgetPolygonOffsetFactor()
     Gets the polygon offset factor.
public  voidsetBackFaceNormalFlip(boolean backFaceNormalFlip)
     Sets the back face normal flip flag to the specified value. This flag indicates whether vertex normals of back facing polygons should be flipped (negated) prior to lighting.
public  voidsetCullFace(int cullFace)
     Sets the face culling for this appearance component object.
public  voidsetPolygonMode(int polygonMode)
     Sets the polygon rasterization mode for this appearance component object.
public  voidsetPolygonOffset(float polygonOffset)
     Sets the constant polygon offset to the specified value.
public  voidsetPolygonOffsetFactor(float polygonOffsetFactor)
     Sets the polygon offset factor to the specified value.

Field Detail
final public static int ALLOW_CULL_FACE_READ(Code)
Specifies that this PolygonAttributes object allows reading its cull face information.

final public static int ALLOW_CULL_FACE_WRITE(Code)
Specifies that this PolygonAttributes object allows writing its cull face information.

final public static int ALLOW_MODE_READ(Code)
Specifies that this PolygonAttributes object allows reading its polygon mode information.

final public static int ALLOW_MODE_WRITE(Code)
Specifies that this PolygonAttributes object allows writing its polygon mode information.

final public static int ALLOW_NORMAL_FLIP_READ(Code)
Specifies that this PolygonAttributes object allows reading its back face normal flip flag.

final public static int ALLOW_NORMAL_FLIP_WRITE(Code)
Specifies that this PolygonAttributes object allows writing its back face normal flip flag.

final public static int ALLOW_OFFSET_READ(Code)
Specifies that this PolygonAttributes object allows reading its polygon offset information.

final public static int ALLOW_OFFSET_WRITE(Code)
Specifies that this PolygonAttributes object allows writing its polygon offset information.

final public static int CULL_BACK(Code)
Cull all back-facing polygons. This is the default mode.

final public static int CULL_FRONT(Code)
Cull all front-facing polygons.

final public static int CULL_NONE(Code)
Don't perform any face culling.

final public static int POLYGON_FILL(Code)
Render polygonal primitives by filling the interior of the polygon.

final public static int POLYGON_LINE(Code)
Render polygonal primitives as lines drawn between consecutive vertices of the polygon.

final public static int POLYGON_POINT(Code)
Render polygonal primitives as points drawn at the vertices of the polygon.

Constructor Detail
public PolygonAttributes()(Code)
Constructs a PolygonAttributes object with default parameters. The default values are as follows:
    cull face : CULL_BACK
    back face normal flip : false
    polygon mode : POLYGON_FILL
    polygon offset : 0.0
    polygon offset factor : 0.0

public PolygonAttributes(int polygonMode, int cullFace, float polygonOffset)(Code)
Constructs a PolygonAttributes object with specified values.
  polygonMode - polygon rasterization mode; one of POLYGON_POINT,POLYGON_LINE, or POLYGON_FILL
  cullFace - polygon culling mode; one of CULL_NONE,CULL_BACK, or CULL_FRONT
  polygonOffset - constant polygon offset

public PolygonAttributes(int polygonMode, int cullFace, float polygonOffset, boolean backFaceNormalFlip)(Code)
Constructs PolygonAttributes object with specified values.
  polygonMode - polygon rasterization mode; one of POLYGON_POINT,POLYGON_LINE, or POLYGON_FILL
  cullFace - polygon culling mode; one of CULL_NONE,CULL_BACK, or CULL_FRONT
  polygonOffset - constant polygon offset
  backFaceNormalFlip - back face normal flip flag; true or false

public PolygonAttributes(int polygonMode, int cullFace, float polygonOffset, boolean backFaceNormalFlip, float polygonOffsetFactor)(Code)
Constructs PolygonAttributes object with specified values.
  polygonMode - polygon rasterization mode; one of POLYGON_POINT,POLYGON_LINE, or POLYGON_FILL
  cullFace - polygon culling mode; one of CULL_NONE,CULL_BACK, or CULL_FRONT
  polygonOffset - constant polygon offset
  backFaceNormalFlip - back face normal flip flag; true or false
  polygonOffsetFactor - polygon offset factor for slope-based polygonoffset
   Java 3D 1.2

Method Detail
public NodeComponent cloneNodeComponent()(Code)

void createRetained()(Code)
Creates a retained mode PolygonAttributesRetained object that this PolygonAttributes component object will point to.

void duplicateAttributes(NodeComponent originalNodeComponent, boolean forceDuplicate)(Code)
Copies all node information from originalNodeComponent into the current node. This method is called from the duplicateNode method. This routine does the actual duplication of all "local data" (any data defined in this object).
  originalNodeComponent - the original node to duplicate.
  forceDuplicate - when set to true, causes theduplicateOnCloneTree flag to be ignored. Whenfalse, the value of each node'sduplicateOnCloneTree variable determines whetherNodeComponent data is duplicated or copied.
See Also:   Node.cloneTree
See Also:   NodeComponent.setDuplicateOnCloneTree

public boolean getBackFaceNormalFlip()(Code)
Gets the back face normal flip flag. the back face normal flip flag
  CapabilityNotSetException - if appropriate capability isnot set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph

public int getCullFace()(Code)
Gets the face culling for this appearance component object. the face to be culled
  CapabilityNotSetException - if appropriate capability isnot set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph

public int getPolygonMode()(Code)
Gets the polygon rasterization mode for this appearance component object. the polygon rasterization mode
  CapabilityNotSetException - if appropriate capability isnot set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph

public float getPolygonOffset()(Code)
Gets the constant polygon offset. the constant polygon offset
  CapabilityNotSetException - if appropriate capability isnot set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph

public float getPolygonOffsetFactor()(Code)
Gets the polygon offset factor. the polygon offset factor.
  CapabilityNotSetException - if appropriate capability isnot set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph
   Java 3D 1.2

public void setBackFaceNormalFlip(boolean backFaceNormalFlip)(Code)
Sets the back face normal flip flag to the specified value. This flag indicates whether vertex normals of back facing polygons should be flipped (negated) prior to lighting. When this flag is set to true and back face culling is disabled, polygons are rendered as if the polygon had two sides with opposing normals. This feature is disabled by default.
  backFaceNormalFlip - the back face normal flip flag
  CapabilityNotSetException - if appropriate capability isnot set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph

public void setCullFace(int cullFace)(Code)
Sets the face culling for this appearance component object.
  cullFace - the face to be culled, one of:CULL_NONE, CULL_FRONT, or CULL_BACK
  CapabilityNotSetException - if appropriate capability isnot set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph

public void setPolygonMode(int polygonMode)(Code)
Sets the polygon rasterization mode for this appearance component object.
  polygonMode - the polygon rasterization mode to be used; one ofPOLYGON_FILL, POLYGON_LINE, or POLYGON_POINT
  CapabilityNotSetException - if appropriate capability isnot set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph

public void setPolygonOffset(float polygonOffset)(Code)
Sets the constant polygon offset to the specified value. This screen space offset is added to the final, device coordinate Z value of polygon primitives.
  polygonOffset - the constant polygon offset
  CapabilityNotSetException - if appropriate capability isnot set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph

public void setPolygonOffsetFactor(float polygonOffsetFactor)(Code)
Sets the polygon offset factor to the specified value. This factor is multiplied by the slope of the polygon, and then added to the final, device coordinate Z value of polygon primitives.
  polygonOffsetFactor - the polygon offset factor
  CapabilityNotSetException - if appropriate capability isnot set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph
   Java 3D 1.2

Fields inherited from
boolean forceDuplicate(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
final void checkDuplicateNodeComponent(NodeComponent originalNodeComponent)(Code)(Java Doc)
public NodeComponent cloneNodeComponent()(Code)(Java Doc)
public NodeComponent cloneNodeComponent(boolean forceDuplicate)(Code)(Java Doc)
void createRetained()(Code)(Java Doc)
void duplicateAttributes(NodeComponent originalNode, boolean forceDuplicate)(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean duplicateChild()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void duplicateNodeComponent(NodeComponent originalNodeComponent)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void duplicateNodeComponent(NodeComponent originalNodeComponent, boolean forceDuplicate)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean getDuplicateOnCloneTree()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDuplicateOnCloneTree(boolean duplicate)(Code)(Java Doc)
void validateImageIllegalSharing(ImageComponent image)(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from
Hashtable nodeHashtable(Code)(Java Doc)
SceneGraphObjectRetained retained(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
final boolean capabilityBitsEmpty()(Code)(Java Doc)
final void checkForLiveOrCompiled()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void clearCapability(int bit)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void clearCapabilityIsFrequent(int bit)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void clearLive()(Code)(Java Doc)
void createRetained()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void duplicateSceneGraphObject(SceneGraphObject originalNode)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public boolean getCapability(int bit)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public boolean getCapabilityIsFrequent(int bit)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getName()(Code)(Java Doc)
String getNamePrefix()(Code)(Java Doc)
NodeComponent getNodeComponent(NodeComponent originalNodeComponent, boolean forceDuplicate, Hashtable hashtable)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Object getUserData()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public boolean isCompiled()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public boolean isLive()(Code)(Java Doc)
final boolean isLiveOrCompiled()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void setCapability(int bit)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void setCapabilityIsFrequent(int bit)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setCompiled()(Code)(Java Doc)
void setDefaultReadCapabilities(int[] bits)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setLive()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setName(String name)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setUserData(Object userData)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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