| |
| java.lang.Object javax.media.j3d.IndexedObject javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphObjectRetained javax.media.j3d.NodeRetained javax.media.j3d.LeafRetained javax.media.j3d.SoundRetained
All known Subclasses: javax.media.j3d.PointSoundRetained, javax.media.j3d.BackgroundSoundRetained,
SoundRetained | abstract class SoundRetained extends LeafRetained (Code) | | SoundRetained is an abstract class that contains instance varables common
to all retained sounds.
ALL_ATTIBS_DIRTY_BITS | final static int ALL_ATTIBS_DIRTY_BITS(Code) | | |
ALL_STATE_DIRTY_BITS | final static int ALL_STATE_DIRTY_BITS(Code) | | |
BOUNDS_CHANGED | final static int BOUNDS_CHANGED(Code) | | |
BOUNDS_DIRTY_BIT | final static int BOUNDS_DIRTY_BIT(Code) | | |
DIRECTION_DIRTY_BIT | final static int DIRECTION_DIRTY_BIT(Code) | | |
ENABLE_DIRTY_BIT | final static int ENABLE_DIRTY_BIT(Code) | | |
LIVE_DIRTY_BIT | final static int LIVE_DIRTY_BIT(Code) | | |
LOAD_COMPLETE | final static int LOAD_COMPLETE(Code) | | Load Sound Data Status
LOAD_FAILED | final static int LOAD_FAILED(Code) | | |
LOAD_NULL | final static int LOAD_NULL(Code) | | |
LOAD_PENDING | final static int LOAD_PENDING(Code) | | |
LOAD_SOUND_DIRTY_BIT | final static int LOAD_SOUND_DIRTY_BIT(Code) | | |
LOOP_COUNT_DIRTY_BIT | final static int LOOP_COUNT_DIRTY_BIT(Code) | | |
MUTE_DIRTY_BIT | final static int MUTE_DIRTY_BIT(Code) | | |
NULL_SOUND | final static int NULL_SOUND(Code) | | Null Sound identifier denotes sound is not created or initialized
PAUSE_DIRTY_BIT | final static int PAUSE_DIRTY_BIT(Code) | | |
POSITION_DIRTY_BIT | final static int POSITION_DIRTY_BIT(Code) | | |
PRIORITY_DIRTY_BIT | final static int PRIORITY_DIRTY_BIT(Code) | | |
RATE_DIRTY_BIT | final static int RATE_DIRTY_BIT(Code) | | |
RELEASE_DIRTY_BIT | final static int RELEASE_DIRTY_BIT(Code) | | |
SOUND_DATA_DIRTY_BIT | final static int SOUND_DATA_DIRTY_BIT(Code) | | |
XFORM_DIRTY_BIT | final static int XFORM_DIRTY_BIT(Code) | | |
continuous | boolean continuous(Code) | | Flag denoting if sound silently continues playing when it's deactivated.
debugFlag | final static boolean debugFlag(Code) | | |
enable | boolean enable(Code) | | Switch for turning sound on or off while the sound is "active"
inImmCtx | boolean inImmCtx(Code) | | This is true when this sound is referenced in an immediate mode context
initialGain | float initialGain(Code) | | Overall Scale Factor applied to sound.
internalErrors | final static boolean internalErrors(Code) | | |
isViewScoped | boolean isViewScoped(Code) | | |
loadStatus | int loadStatus(Code) | | |
loopCount | int loopCount(Code) | | Number of times sound is looped/repeated during play
mute | boolean mute(Code) | | Flag denoting if sound is explicitly muted, so that if begins playing
it will be played silently.
numMirrorSounds | int numMirrorSounds(Code) | | |
pause | boolean pause(Code) | | Flag denoting if sound is paused from playing - waiting to be resumed
priority | float priority(Code) | | Sound priority ranking value.
Valid values are 0.0 to 1.0
rate | float rate(Code) | | Rate Scale Factor applied to sounds playback sample rate in Hertz.
Valid values are 0.0 to 1.0
release | boolean release(Code) | | Type of release when sound is disabled.
If true, sound plays thru to end of sample before disabled
Otherwise, sound is disabled immediately.
schedulingRegion | Bounds schedulingRegion(Code) | | The Boundary object defining the sound's scheduling region.
targetThreads | final static int targetThreads(Code) | | |
transformedRegion | Bounds transformedRegion(Code) | | The transformed bounds from either schedulingRegion or boundingLeaf
dispatchAttribChange | void dispatchAttribChange(int dirtyBit, Object argument)(Code) | | Dispatch a message about a sound attribute change
dispatchStateChange | void dispatchStateChange(int dirtyBit, Object argument)(Code) | | Dispatch a message about a sound state change
getContinuousEnable | boolean getContinuousEnable()(Code) | | Retrieves sound's continuous play flag
flag denoting if deactivated sound silently continues playing |
getDuration | long getDuration()(Code) | | Retrieves sound's duration in milliseconds
sound's duration, returns DURATION_UNKNOWN if duration could not be queried from the audio device |
getEnable | boolean getEnable()(Code) | | Retrieves sound's enabled flag
sound enabled flag |
getInImmCtx | boolean getInImmCtx()(Code) | | This gets the immedate mode context flag
getInitialGain | float getInitialGain()(Code) | | Get the overall gain (applied to the sound data associated with source).
overall gain of sound source |
getLoop | int getLoop()(Code) | | Retrieves the loop count
loop count for data associated with sound |
getMute | boolean getMute()(Code) | | Retrieves sound Mute state.
A return value of true does not imply that the sound has
been started playing or is still playing silently.
mute state flag since: Java 3D 1.3 |
getNumberOfChannelsUsed | int getNumberOfChannelsUsed()(Code) | | Retrieves number of channels allocated for this sound on the primary
view's audio device.
number of channels used by sound across all devices |
getNumberOfChannelsUsed | int getNumberOfChannelsUsed(View viewRef)(Code) | | Retrieves number of channels allocated for this sound on the audio
devices associated with a given view.
Parameters: viewRef - view to test sound playing silently state for number of channels used by this sound on a particular device |
getPause | boolean getPause()(Code) | | Retrieves sound Pause state.
A return value of true does not imply that the sound has
been started playing auditibly or silently.
mute state flag since: Java 3D 1.3 |
getPriority | float getPriority()(Code) | | Retrieves sound's priority value.
sound priority value |
getRateScaleFactor | float getRateScaleFactor()(Code) | | Retrieves sound's rate scale factor
sound rate scale factor |
getReleaseEnable | boolean getReleaseEnable()(Code) | | Retrieves release flag for sound associated with this source node
sound's release flag |
getSchedulingBoundingLeaf | BoundingLeaf getSchedulingBoundingLeaf()(Code) | | Get the Sound's scheduling region
getSchedulingBounds | Bounds getSchedulingBounds()(Code) | | Get the Sound's scheduling region.
this Sound's scheduling region information |
getSoundData | MediaContainer getSoundData()(Code) | | Retrieves sound data associated with this sound source node
sound source data container |
isPlaying | boolean isPlaying()(Code) | | Retrieves sound's playing status
true if potentially audible (enabled and active) on ANY audio device
false otherwise
sound playing flag |
isPlaying | boolean isPlaying(View viewRef)(Code) | | Retrieves sound's playing status for a particular view
true if potentially audible (enabled and active) on audio device
associated with the given view
false otherwise
Parameters: viewRef - view to test sound playing state for sound playing flag |
isPlayingSilently | boolean isPlayingSilently()(Code) | | Retrieves sound's playing silently status
true if enabled but not active (on any device)
false otherwise
sound playing flag |
isPlayingSilently | boolean isPlayingSilently(View viewRef)(Code) | | Retrieves sound's playing silently status for a particular view
true if potentially audible (enabled and active) on audio device
associated with the given view
false otherwise
Parameters: viewRef - view to test sound playing silently state for sound playing flag |
isReady | boolean isReady()(Code) | | Retrieves sound's ready state for ALL active views.
For this node, the list of sound scheduler atoms associated with
each view is maintained. The 'loaded' (=is ready) state is
true only if the following are true for all views/sound schedulers:
1) the Sound node has a non-null sound data and this data has
sucessfully been loaded/opened/copied/attached;
2) the Sound node is live;
3) there is at least one active View in the Universe; and
4) an instance of an AudioDevice is attached to the current
true if potentially playable (audibly or silently); false otherwise |
isReady | boolean isReady(View viewRef)(Code) | | Retrieves sound's ready state for a particular view.
For this node, the list of sound scheduler atoms associated with
each view is maintained. The 'loaded' (=is ready) state is
true only if the following are true for the given view:
1) the Sound node has a non-null sound data and this data has
sucessfully been loaded/opened/copied/attached;
2) the Sound node is live;
3) the given View is active in the Universe; and
4) an instance of an AudioDevice is attached to the current
Parameters: viewRef - view to test sound readiness for true if potentially playable (audibly or silently); false otherwise |
setContinuousEnable | void setContinuousEnable(boolean state)(Code) | | Enable or disable continuous play flag
Parameters: state - denotes if sound continues playing silently when deactivated |
setEnable | void setEnable(boolean state)(Code) | | Sets the flag denotine sound enabled/disabled and sends a message
for the following to be done:
If state is true:
if sound is not playing, sound is started.
if sound is playing, sound is stopped, then re-started.
If state is false:
if sound is playing, sound is stopped
Parameters: state - true or false to enable or disable the sound |
setInImmCtx | void setInImmCtx(boolean inCtx)(Code) | | This sets the immedate mode context flag
setInitialGain | void setInitialGain(float scaleFactor)(Code) | | Set the gain scale factor applied to this sound
Parameters: amplitude - gain scale factor |
setLoop | void setLoop(int loopCount)(Code) | | Sets the sound's loop count
Parameters: loopCount - number of times sound is looped during play |
setMute | void setMute(boolean state)(Code) | | Set mute state flag. If the sound is playing it will be set to
play silently
Parameters: state - flag since: Java 3D 1.3 |
setPause | void setPause(boolean state)(Code) | | Set pause state flag. If the sound is playing it will be paused
Parameters: state - flag since: Java 3D 1.3 |
setPriority | void setPriority(float rank)(Code) | | Set sound's proirity value.
Parameters: priority - value used to order sound's importance for playback. |
setRateScaleFactor | void setRateScaleFactor(float scaleFactor)(Code) | | Set scale factor
Parameters: scaleFactor - applied to sound playback rate |
setReleaseEnable | void setReleaseEnable(boolean state)(Code) | | Enable or disable the release flag for this sound source
Parameters: state - flag denoting release sound before stopping |
setSchedulingBoundingLeaf | void setSchedulingBoundingLeaf(BoundingLeaf region)(Code) | | Set the Sound's scheduling region to the specified Leaf node.
setSchedulingBounds | void setSchedulingBounds(Bounds region)(Code) | | Set the Sound's scheduling region.
Parameters: region - a region that contains the Sound's new scheduling region |
setSoundData | void setSoundData(MediaContainer soundData)(Code) | | Associates sound data with this sound source node
Attempt to load sound
Parameters: soundData - descrition of sound source data |
setSoundDataState | void setSoundDataState(MediaContainer soundData)(Code) | | Assign value into sound data field
Parameters: soundData - description of sound source data |
updateBoundingLeaf | void updateBoundingLeaf(long refTime)(Code) | | |
updateMirrorObject | synchronized void updateMirrorObject(Object[] objs)(Code) | | |
updateTransformChange | void updateTransformChange()(Code) | | |
Methods inherited from javax.media.j3d.NodeRetained | void clearLive(SetLiveState s)(Code)(Java Doc) void computeCombineBounds(Bounds bounds)(Code)(Java Doc) void computeNonLiveLocalToVworld(Transform3D t, Node caller)(Code)(Java Doc) void dirtyBoundsCache()(Code)(Java Doc) void doSetLive(SetLiveState s)(Code)(Java Doc) public int equal(NnuId obj)(Code)(Java Doc) void findCollidableFlags(boolean collide)(Code)(Java Doc) void findPickableFlags(boolean pick)(Code)(Java Doc) void findTransformLevels(int transformLevels)(Code)(Java Doc) Bounds getBounds()(Code)(Java Doc) boolean getBoundsAutoCompute()(Code)(Java Doc) boolean getCollidable()(Code)(Java Doc) Transform3D getCurrentLocalToVworld()(Code)(Java Doc) Transform3D getCurrentLocalToVworld(int index)(Code)(Java Doc) Transform3D getCurrentLocalToVworld(HashKey key)(Code)(Java Doc) Bounds getEffectiveBounds()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getId()(Code)(Java Doc) Transform3D getLastLocalToVworld()(Code)(Java Doc) Transform3D getLastLocalToVworld(int index)(Code)(Java Doc) Transform3D getLastLocalToVworld(HashKey key)(Code)(Java Doc) Bounds getLocalBounds(Bounds bounds)(Code)(Java Doc) void getLocalToVworld(Transform3D t)(Code)(Java Doc) void getLocalToVworld(SceneGraphPath path, Transform3D t)(Code)(Java Doc) void getLocalToVworld(Transform3D t, HashKey key)(Code)(Java Doc) Locale getLocale()(Code)(Java Doc) NodeRetained getParent()(Code)(Java Doc) boolean getPickable()(Code)(Java Doc) VirtualUniverse getVirtualUniverse()(Code)(Java Doc) boolean isStatic()(Code)(Java Doc) void merge(CompileState compState)(Code)(Java Doc) void mergeTransform(TransformGroupRetained xform)(Code)(Java Doc) void notifySceneGraphChanged(boolean globalTraverse)(Code)(Java Doc) int[] processViewSpecificInfo(int mode, HashKey k, View v, ArrayList vsgList, int[] keyList, ArrayList leafList)(Code)(Java Doc) void recombineAbove()(Code)(Java Doc) void removeNodeData(SetLiveState s)(Code)(Java Doc) void searchGeometryAtoms(UnorderList list)(Code)(Java Doc) void setAuxData(SetLiveState s, int index, int hkIndex)(Code)(Java Doc) void setBounds(Bounds bounds)(Code)(Java Doc) void setBoundsAutoCompute(boolean autoCompute)(Code)(Java Doc) void setCollidable(boolean collidable)(Code)(Java Doc) void setLive(SetLiveState s)(Code)(Java Doc) void setNodeData(SetLiveState s)(Code)(Java Doc) void setParent(NodeRetained parent)(Code)(Java Doc) void setPickable(boolean pickable)(Code)(Java Doc) void transformBounds(SceneGraphPath path, Bounds bound)(Code)(Java Doc) void updateCollidable(HashKey keys, boolean collide)(Code)(Java Doc) synchronized void updateLocalToVworld()(Code)(Java Doc) void updatePickable(HashKey pickKeys, boolean pick)(Code)(Java Doc)
Fields inherited from javax.media.j3d.IndexedObject | int[][] listIdx(Code)(Java Doc)