| java.lang.Object org.jdesktop.j3d.loaders.vrml97.impl.BaseNode org.jdesktop.j3d.loaders.vrml97.impl.Node org.jdesktop.j3d.loaders.vrml97.impl.Geometry org.jdesktop.j3d.loaders.vrml97.impl.IndexedFaceSet
Constructor Summary | |
public | IndexedFaceSet(Loader loader) | | IndexedFaceSet(Loader loader, MFInt32 colorIndex, MFInt32 coordIndex, MFInt32 normalIndex, MFInt32 texCoordIndex, SFNode coord, SFNode normal, SFNode color, SFNode texCoord, SFBool ccw, SFBool colorPerVertex, SFBool convex, SFFloat creaseAngle, SFBool normalPerVertex, SFBool solid) |
GENERAL | final protected static int GENERAL(Code) | | Description of the Field
QUAD | final protected static int QUAD(Code) | | Description of the Field
TRIS | final protected static int TRIS(Code) | | Description of the Field
allTriangles | boolean allTriangles(Code) | | |
coordArray | Point3f[] coordArray(Code) | | |
coordArrayLength | int coordArrayLength(Code) | | |
facetSizes | int[] facetSizes(Code) | | |
haveColors | boolean haveColors(Code) | | |
haveNormals | boolean haveNormals(Code) | | |
haveTexture | boolean haveTexture(Code) | | |
implColorIndex | int[] implColorIndex(Code) | | |
implCoordIndex | int[] implCoordIndex(Code) | | |
implNormalIndex | int[] implNormalIndex(Code) | | |
implTexIndex | int[] implTexIndex(Code) | | |
indexColorVals | float[] indexColorVals(Code) | | |
indexTexVals | float[] indexTexVals(Code) | | |
isConstSize | boolean isConstSize(Code) | | |
normalArray | Vector3f[] normalArray(Code) | | |
normalArrayLength | int normalArrayLength(Code) | | |
numIndices | int numIndices(Code) | | |
tempFaceLength | int tempFaceLength(Code) | | |
vertexCount | int vertexCount(Code) | | |
vertexFormat | int vertexFormat(Code) | | |
IndexedFaceSet | public IndexedFaceSet(Loader loader)(Code) | | Constructor for the IndexedFaceSet object
Parameters: loader - Description of the Parameter |
IndexedFaceSet | IndexedFaceSet(Loader loader, MFInt32 colorIndex, MFInt32 coordIndex, MFInt32 normalIndex, MFInt32 texCoordIndex, SFNode coord, SFNode normal, SFNode color, SFNode texCoord, SFBool ccw, SFBool colorPerVertex, SFBool convex, SFFloat creaseAngle, SFBool normalPerVertex, SFBool solid)(Code) | | Constructor for the IndexedFaceSet object
Parameters: loader - Description of the Parameter Parameters: colorIndex - Description of the Parameter Parameters: coordIndex - Description of the Parameter Parameters: normalIndex - Description of the Parameter Parameters: texCoordIndex - Description of the Parameter Parameters: coord - Description of the Parameter Parameters: normal - Description of the Parameter Parameters: color - Description of the Parameter Parameters: texCoord - Description of the Parameter Parameters: ccw - Description of the Parameter Parameters: colorPerVertex - Description of the Parameter Parameters: convex - Description of the Parameter Parameters: creaseAngle - Description of the Parameter Parameters: normalPerVertex - Description of the Parameter Parameters: solid - Description of the Parameter |
buildImpl | void buildImpl()(Code) | | Description of the Method
clone | public Object clone()(Code) | | Description of the Method
Description of the Return Value |
copyNormals | void copyNormals(int normalValSize, float[] normalVals)(Code) | | Description of the Method
Parameters: normalValSize - Description of the Parameter Parameters: normalVals - Description of the Parameter |
getBoundingBox | public BoundingBox getBoundingBox()(Code) | | Gets the boundingBox attribute of the IndexedFaceSet object
The boundingBox value |
getNumTris | public int getNumTris()(Code) | | Gets the numTris attribute of the IndexedFaceSet object
The numTris value |
getSolid | public boolean getSolid()(Code) | | Gets the solid attribute of the IndexedFaceSet object
The solid value |
getType | public String getType()(Code) | | Gets the type attribute of the IndexedFaceSet object
The type value |
haveTexture | public boolean haveTexture()(Code) | | Description of the Method
Description of the Return Value |
initFields | void initFields()(Code) | | Description of the Method
initImpl | public void initImpl()(Code) | | Description of the Method
notifyMethod | public void notifyMethod(String eventInName, double time)(Code) | | Description of the Method
Parameters: eventInName - Description of the Parameter Parameters: time - Description of the Parameter |
reset | public void reset()(Code) | | Description of the Method
setOwner | public void setOwner(Shape s)(Code) | | Sets the owner attribute of the IndexedFaceSet object
Parameters: s - The new owner value |
toStringBody | public String toStringBody()(Code) | | Description of the Method
Description of the Return Value |