java.lang .Object org.jdesktop.j3d.loaders.vrml97.impl .BaseNode org.jdesktop.j3d.loaders.vrml97.impl .Node org.jdesktop.j3d.loaders.vrml97.impl .Geometry org.jdesktop.j3d.loaders.vrml97.impl .IndexedLineSet IndexedLineSet public class IndexedLineSet extends Geometry (Code) Description of the Class
haveColor boolean haveColor (Code)
implColorIndex int[] implColorIndex (Code)
implCoordIndex int[] implCoordIndex (Code)
lineSizes int[] lineSizes (Code)
numIndices int numIndices (Code)
vertexFormat int vertexFormat (Code)
IndexedLineSet public IndexedLineSet(Loader loader)(Code) Constructor for the IndexedLineSet object
Parameters: loader - Description of the Parameter
IndexedLineSet public IndexedLineSet(Loader loader, SFNode coord, MFInt32 coordIndex, SFNode color, MFInt32 colorIndex, SFBool colorPerVertex)(Code) Constructor for the IndexedLineSet object
Parameters: loader - Description of the ParameterParameters: coord - Description of the ParameterParameters: coordIndex - Description of the ParameterParameters: color - Description of the ParameterParameters: colorIndex - Description of the ParameterParameters: colorPerVertex - Description of the Parameter
clone public Object clone()(Code) Description of the Method
Description of the Return Value
getNumTris public int getNumTris()(Code) Gets the numTris attribute of the IndexedLineSet object
The numTris value
getType public String getType()(Code) Gets the type attribute of the IndexedLineSet object
The type value
haveTexture public boolean haveTexture()(Code) Description of the Method
Description of the Return Value
initFields void initFields() (Code) Description of the Method
initImpl public void initImpl()(Code) Description of the Method
notifyMethod public void notifyMethod(String eventInName, double time)(Code) Description of the Method
Parameters: eventInName - Description of the ParameterParameters: time - Description of the Parameter