| javax.swing.JFrame org.jdesktop.j3dedit.j3ddelivery.DeliveryUniverse
DeliveryUniverse | public DeliveryUniverse()(Code) | | Creates new form UserUniverse
SceneGraph is not live after creation, setSceneGraphLive(true) must
be called to make the world visible
isLive | public boolean isLive()(Code) | | Return true is the scenegraph is live
setLive | public void setLive(boolean live)(Code) | | Makes the users SceneGraph Live or not
setSceneGraph | public void setSceneGraph(BranchGroup root)(Code) | | Set the BranchGraph of the locale to be the
tree root
The previous graph will be discarded
showWholeWorld | public void showWholeWorld()(Code) | | |