| |
| java.lang.Object org.jdesktop.j3dfly.plugins.J3dFlyPlugin org.jdesktop.j3dfly.utils.internalplugins.BenchmarkPlugin
Inner Class :public static class BenchmarkPluginPreference extends PluginPreference | |
Inner Class :public class BenchmarkBehavior extends org.jdesktop.j3dfly.utils.behaviors.DemoKBSplineBehavior | |
BenchmarkPlugin | public BenchmarkPlugin()(Code) | | Creates new BenchMarkPlugin
getControlPanel | public javax.swing.JPanel getControlPanel()(Code) | | Returns the control panel for this plugin, or null if there
is no control panel
getPluginPreferenceClass | public Class getPluginPreferenceClass()(Code) | | Returns the class of the plugin preference.
Plugins that require more preference information should provide a
subclass of PluginPrefernece that contains all the extra preference
data. This class must be Serializable.
getPluginTitle | public String getPluginTitle()(Code) | | Get the title of the plugin
updatePerformanceFigures | public void updatePerformanceFigures(float framesPerSecond)(Code) | | Called by PerfBehavior when new performance figures are available