Extends the WSDL parsing process.
This interface is implemented by components that build on top of the JAX-WS RI,
to participate in the WSDL parsing process that happens in the runtime.
This allows such components to retrieve information from WSDL extension elements,
and use that later to, for example, configure
Tube s.
How it works?
Each method on this interface denotes one extension point in WSDL
(the place where foreign elements/attributes can be added.) A
RuntimeWSDLParser starts parsing WSDL with a fixed set of
WSDLParserExtension s, and
as it finds extension elements/attributes, it calls appropriate callback methods
to provide a chance for
WSDLParserExtension to parse such
an extension element.
There are two kinds of callbacks.
Attribute callbacks
One is for attributes, which ends with the name
Attributes .
This callback is invoked with
XMLStreamReader that points
to the start tag of the WSDL element.
The callback method can read interesting attributes on it.
The method must return without advancing the parser to the next token.
Element callbacks
The other callback is for extension elements, which ends with the name
Elements .
When a callback is invoked,
XMLStreamReader points to the
start tag of the extension element. |