| com.sun.xml.ws.api.pipe.helper.AbstractFilterTubeImpl com.sun.xml.ws.protocol.soap.MUTube
All known Subclasses: com.sun.xml.ws.protocol.soap.ClientMUTube, com.sun.xml.ws.protocol.soap.ServerMUTube,
createMUSOAPFaultException | final SOAPFaultException createMUSOAPFaultException(Set<QName> notUnderstoodHeaders)(Code) | | Parameters: notUnderstoodHeaders - SOAPfaultException with SOAPFault representing the MustUnderstand SOAP Fault.notUnderstoodHeaders are added in the fault detail. |
createMUSOAPFaultMessage | final Message createMUSOAPFaultMessage(Set<QName> notUnderstoodHeaders)(Code) | | This should be used only in ServerMUPipe
Parameters: notUnderstoodHeaders - Message representing a SOAPFaultIn SOAP 1.1, notUnderstoodHeaders are added in the fault Detailin SOAP 1.2, notUnderstoodHeaders are added as the SOAP Headers |
getMisUnderstoodHeaders | final protected Set<QName> getMisUnderstoodHeaders(HeaderList headers, Set<String> roles, Set<QName> knownHeaders)(Code) | | Parameters: headers - HeaderList that needs MU processing Parameters: roles - Roles configured on the Binding. Required Roles supposed to be assumbed a by aSOAP Binding implementation are added. Parameters: knownHeaders - Set of headers that this binding understands returns the headers that have mustUnderstand attribute and are not understoodby the binding. |
Fields inherited from com.sun.xml.ws.api.pipe.helper.AbstractFilterTubeImpl | final protected Tube next(Code)(Java Doc)