| java.lang.Object com.sun.xml.ws.streaming.DOMStreamReader
DOMStreamReader | final public class DOMStreamReader implements XMLStreamReader,NamespaceContext(Code) | | Create an
XMLStreamReader on top of a DOM tree.
Since various libraries as well as users often create "incorrect" DOM node,
this class spends a lot of efforts making sure that broken DOM trees are
nevertheless interpreted correctly.
For example, if a DOM level
1 tree is passed, each method will attempt to return the correct value
by using
Node.getNodeName .
Similarly, if DOM is missing explicit namespace declarations,
this class attempts to emulate necessary declarations.
author: Santiago.PericasGeertsen@sun.com author: Kohsuke Kawaguchi |
_state | int _state(Code) | | State of this reader. Any of the valid states defined in StAX'
XMLStreamConstants class.
DOMStreamReader | public DOMStreamReader()(Code) | | |
DOMStreamReader | public DOMStreamReader(Node node)(Code) | | |
getAttributeCount | public int getAttributeCount()(Code) | | |
getAttributeLocalName | public String getAttributeLocalName(int index)(Code) | | Return an attribute's local name. Handle the case of DOM level 1 nodes.
getAttributeName | public QName getAttributeName(int index)(Code) | | Return an attribute's qname. Handle the case of DOM level 1 nodes.
getAttributeNamespace | public String getAttributeNamespace(int index)(Code) | | |
getAttributePrefix | public String getAttributePrefix(int index)(Code) | | |
getAttributeType | public String getAttributeType(int index)(Code) | | |
getAttributeValue | public String getAttributeValue(int index)(Code) | | |
getCharacterEncodingScheme | public String getCharacterEncodingScheme()(Code) | | |
getEventType | public int getEventType()(Code) | | |
getLocalName | public String getLocalName()(Code) | | Return an element's local name. Handle the case of DOM level 1 nodes.
getNamespaceCount | public int getNamespaceCount()(Code) | | |
getNamespacePrefix | public String getNamespacePrefix(int index)(Code) | | |
getNamespaceURI | public String getNamespaceURI(int index)(Code) | | |
getNamespaceURI | public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix)(Code) | | This method is not particularly fast, but shouldn't be called very
often. If we start to use it more, we should keep track of the
NS declarations using a NamespaceContext implementation instead.
getTextCharacters | public char[] getTextCharacters()(Code) | | |
getTextCharacters | public int getTextCharacters(int sourceStart, char[] target, int targetStart, int targetLength) throws XMLStreamException(Code) | | |
getTextLength | public int getTextLength()(Code) | | |
getTextStart | public int getTextStart()(Code) | | |
hasName | public boolean hasName()(Code) | | |
hasText | public boolean hasText()(Code) | | |
isAttributeSpecified | public boolean isAttributeSpecified(int param)(Code) | | |
isCharacters | public boolean isCharacters()(Code) | | |
isEndElement | public boolean isEndElement()(Code) | | |
isStandalone | public boolean isStandalone()(Code) | | |
isStartElement | public boolean isStartElement()(Code) | | |
isWhiteSpace | public boolean isWhiteSpace()(Code) | | |
setCurrentNode | public void setCurrentNode(Node node)(Code) | | |
standaloneSet | public boolean standaloneSet()(Code) | | |