| java.lang.Object com.sun.xml.ws.wsdl.writer.WSDLGenerator
WSDLGenerator | public class WSDLGenerator (Code) | | Class used to generate WSDLs from a
SEIModel .
author: WS Development Team |
Method Summary | |
public Result | createOutputFile(String namespaceUri, String suggestedFileName) Creates the
Result object used by JAXB to generate a schema for the
namesapceUri namespace. | public void | doGeneration() | protected void | generateBinding() | protected void | generateBindingOperation(JavaMethodImpl method, Binding binding) | protected void | generateDocumentParameterOrder(Operation operation, JavaMethodImpl method) | protected void | generateInputMessage(Operation operation, JavaMethodImpl method) | protected void | generateMessages() | protected void | generateOutputMessage(Operation operation, JavaMethodImpl method) | protected void | generateParameterOrder(Operation operation, JavaMethodImpl method) | protected void | generatePortType() | protected void | generateRpcParameterOrder(Operation operation, JavaMethodImpl method) | protected void | generateSOAP12BindingOperation(JavaMethodImpl method, Binding binding) | protected void | generateSOAP12Headers(TypedXmlWriter writer, List<ParameterImpl> parameters, QName message) | protected void | generateSOAPHeaders(TypedXmlWriter writer, List<ParameterImpl> parameters, QName message) | protected void | generateSOAPMessages(JavaMethodImpl method, com.sun.xml.ws.api.model.soap.SOAPBinding binding) | protected void | generateService() | protected void | generateTypes() | protected boolean | isAttachmentParameter(ParameterImpl parameter) | protected boolean | isBodyParameter(ParameterImpl parameter) | protected boolean | isHeaderParameter(ParameterImpl parameter) | protected boolean | isRpcLit(JavaMethodImpl method) | protected boolean | isWrapperStyle(JavaMethodImpl method) | protected static String | relativize(String uri, String baseUri) Relativizes a URI by using another URI (base URI.)
For example,
relative("http://www.sun.com/abc/def","http://www.sun.com/pqr/stu") => "../abc/def"
This method only works on hierarchical URI's, not opaque URI's (refer to the
javadoc for complete definitions of these terms. | public void | setEndpointAddress(String address) Sets the endpoint address string to be written. | protected List<ParameterImpl> | sortMethodParameters(JavaMethodImpl method) | protected void | splitParameters(List<ParameterImpl> bodyParams, List<ParameterImpl> headerParams, List<ParameterImpl> params) |
createOutputFile | public Result createOutputFile(String namespaceUri, String suggestedFileName) throws IOException(Code) | | Creates the
Result object used by JAXB to generate a schema for the
namesapceUri namespace.
Parameters: namespaceUri - The namespace for the schema being generated Parameters: suggestedFileName - the JAXB suggested file name for the schema file the Result for JAXB to generate the schema into throws: java.io.IOException - thrown if on IO error occurs |
doGeneration | public void doGeneration()(Code) | | Performes the actual WSDL generation
generateBinding | protected void generateBinding()(Code) | | Generates the Binding section of the WSDL
generateDocumentParameterOrder | protected void generateDocumentParameterOrder(Operation operation, JavaMethodImpl method)(Code) | | Generates the parameterOrder for a PortType operation
Parameters: operation - the operation to generate the parameterOrder for Parameters: method - the JavaMethod to generate the parameterOrder from |
generateInputMessage | protected void generateInputMessage(Operation operation, JavaMethodImpl method)(Code) | | Parameters: operation - Parameters: method - |
generateMessages | protected void generateMessages()(Code) | | Generates the WSDL messages
generateOutputMessage | protected void generateOutputMessage(Operation operation, JavaMethodImpl method)(Code) | | Parameters: operation - Parameters: method - |
generateParameterOrder | protected void generateParameterOrder(Operation operation, JavaMethodImpl method)(Code) | | Generates the parameterOrder for a PortType operation
Parameters: operation - The operation to generate the parameterOrder for Parameters: method - The JavaMethod to generate the parameterOrder from |
generatePortType | protected void generatePortType()(Code) | | Generates the WSDL portType
generateRpcParameterOrder | protected void generateRpcParameterOrder(Operation operation, JavaMethodImpl method)(Code) | | Generates the parameterOrder for a PortType operation
Parameters: operation - the operation to generate the parameterOrder for Parameters: method - the JavaMethod to generate the parameterOrder from |
generateSOAP12Headers | protected void generateSOAP12Headers(TypedXmlWriter writer, List<ParameterImpl> parameters, QName message)(Code) | | Parameters: writer - Parameters: parameters - Parameters: message - |
generateSOAPHeaders | protected void generateSOAPHeaders(TypedXmlWriter writer, List<ParameterImpl> parameters, QName message)(Code) | | Parameters: writer - Parameters: parameters - Parameters: message - |
generateService | protected void generateService()(Code) | | Generates the Service section of the WSDL
generateTypes | protected void generateTypes()(Code) | | Generates the types section of the WSDL
isBodyParameter | protected boolean isBodyParameter(ParameterImpl parameter)(Code) | | Determines if a parameter is associated with the message Body
Parameters: parameter - the parameter to check true if the parameter is a body parameter |
isRpcLit | protected boolean isRpcLit(JavaMethodImpl method)(Code) | | Determines if a
JavaMethod is rpc/literal
Parameters: method - The method to check true if method is rpc/literal, otherwise, false |
isWrapperStyle | protected boolean isWrapperStyle(JavaMethodImpl method)(Code) | | Determines if the method is wrapper style
Parameters: method - The JavaMethod to check if it is wrapper style true if the method is wrapper style, otherwise, false. |
relativize | protected static String relativize(String uri, String baseUri)(Code) | | Relativizes a URI by using another URI (base URI.)
For example,
relative("http://www.sun.com/abc/def","http://www.sun.com/pqr/stu") => "../abc/def"
This method only works on hierarchical URI's, not opaque URI's (refer to the
javadoc for complete definitions of these terms.
This method will not normalize the relative URI.
Parameters: uri - the URI to relativize Parameters: baseUri - the base URI to use for the relativization the relative URI or the original URI if a relative one could not be computed |