| java.lang.Object com.sun.tools.ws.processor.modeler.wsdl.ModelerUtils
ModelerUtils | class ModelerUtils (Code) | | Utilities to be used by WSDLModeler
author: Vivek Pandey |
createJAXBStructureType | public static JAXBStructuredType createJAXBStructureType(JAXBType jaxbType)(Code) | | This method should be called incase of wrapper style operations. This is
equivalent to wrapper style schema component or JAXB Mapping object.
Parameters: jaxbType - JAXBType from which a JAXBStructured type will be created. returns JAXBStructured type |
createParameter | public static Parameter createParameter(String partName, AbstractType jaxbType, Block block)(Code) | | Called for non-wrapper style operations. It returns a Parameter constructed
using the JAXBType and the Block.
Parameters: partName - typically wsdl:part or any name to be given to the parameter Parameters: jaxbType - type of Parameter Parameters: block - Block to which the parameter belongs to Parameter created. |
createUnwrappedParameters | public static List<Parameter> createUnwrappedParameters(JAXBType jaxbType, Block block)(Code) | | This method uses JAXBStructured type (wrapper style operations) and
unwraps it to create list of parameters.
Parameters: jaxbType - instance of JAXBType, could be JAXBStructured type. Parameters: block - The Block (body/Header/Attachment) to which the created Parameter belong. list of Parameters |
getParameter | public static Parameter getParameter(String paramName, List<Parameter> parameters)(Code) | | Get Parameter from the list of parameters.
Parameters: paramName - Parameters: parameters - the Parameter with name paramName from parameters |
isBoundToMimeContent | public static boolean isBoundToMimeContent(MessagePart part)(Code) | | Parameters: part - true if part is bound to Mime content |
isBoundToSOAPBody | public static boolean isBoundToSOAPBody(MessagePart part)(Code) | | Parameters: part - true if part is bound to SOAPBody |
isBoundToSOAPHeader | public static boolean isBoundToSOAPHeader(MessagePart part)(Code) | | Parameters: part - true if part is bound to SOAPHeader |
isEquivalentLiteralStructures | public static boolean isEquivalentLiteralStructures(JAXBStructuredType struct1, JAXBStructuredType struct2)(Code) | | Compares two JAXBStructures.
Parameters: struct1 - Parameters: struct2 - true if struct1 and struct2 are equivalent. |