Method Summary |
public A | getAdapter(Class<A> type) |
public AttachmentMarshaller | getAttachmentMarshaller() |
protected String | getEncoding() Convenience method for getting the current output encoding. |
public ValidationEventHandler | getEventHandler() |
protected String | getJavaEncoding(String encoding) Gets the corresponding Java encoding name from an IANA name. |
public Listener | getListener() |
protected String | getNoNSSchemaLocation() Convenience method for getting the current noNamespaceSchemaLocation. |
public org.w3c.dom.Node | getNode(Object obj) By default, the getNode method is unsupported and throw
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException . |
public Object | getProperty(String name) Default implementation of the getProperty method handles
the four defined properties in Marshaller. |
public Schema | getSchema() |
protected String | getSchemaLocation() Convenience method for getting the current schemaLocation. |
protected boolean | isFormattedOutput() Convenience method for getting the formatted output flag. |
protected boolean | isFragment() Convenience method for getting the fragment flag. |
final public void | marshal(Object obj, os) |
public void | marshal(Object jaxbElement, File output) |
final public void | marshal(Object obj, w) |
final public void | marshal(Object obj, org.xml.sax.ContentHandler handler) |
final public void | marshal(Object obj, org.w3c.dom.Node node) |
public void | marshal(Object obj, XMLEventWriter writer) |
public void | marshal(Object obj, XMLStreamWriter writer) |
public void | setAdapter(XmlAdapter adapter) |
public void | setAdapter(Class<A> type, A adapter) |
public void | setAttachmentMarshaller(AttachmentMarshaller am) |
protected void | setEncoding(String encoding) Convenience method for setting the output encoding. |
public void | setEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler handler) |
protected void | setFormattedOutput(boolean v) Convenience method for setting the formatted output flag. |
protected void | setFragment(boolean v) Convenience method for setting the fragment flag. |
public void | setListener(Listener listener) |
protected void | setNoNSSchemaLocation(String location) Convenience method for setting the noNamespaceSchemaLocation. |
public void | setProperty(String name, Object value) Default implementation of the setProperty method handles
the four defined properties in Marshaller. |
public void | setSchema(Schema schema) |
protected void | setSchemaLocation(String location) Convenience method for setting the schemaLocation. |