| java.lang.Object com.sun.xml.bind.v2.TODO
TODO | abstract public class TODO (Code) | | Place holder for TODOs.
author: Kohsuke Kawaguchi (kk@kohsuke.org) |
Method Summary | |
public static void | checkSpec() When this method is called,
that means we need to check the spec and corrects
the behavior. | public static void | checkSpec(String comment) | public static void | prototype() When this method iscalled,
that means the current code is a mock up and
it needs to be properly implemented later. | public static void | prototype(String comment) | public static void | schemaGenerator(String comment) When this method is called, it means that there is an
unimplemeted portion of the spec in the schema generator. |
checkSpec | public static void checkSpec()(Code) | | When this method is called,
that means we need to check the spec and corrects
the behavior.
Search the usage of this method.
prototype | public static void prototype()(Code) | | When this method iscalled,
that means the current code is a mock up and
it needs to be properly implemented later.
schemaGenerator | public static void schemaGenerator(String comment)(Code) | | When this method is called, it means that there is an
unimplemeted portion of the spec in the schema generator.