| java.lang.Object com.sun.xml.txw2.Document
Document | final public class Document (Code) | | Coordinates the entire writing process.
author: Kohsuke Kawaguchi (kohsuke.kawaguchi@sun.com) |
Field Summary | |
final static char | MAGIC The first char of the dummy prefix. |
MAGIC | final static char MAGIC(Code) | | The first char of the dummy prefix.
addDatatypeWriter | public void addDatatypeWriter(DatatypeWriter> dw)(Code) | | Defines additional user object -> string conversion logic.
Applications can add their own
DatatypeWriter so that
application-specific objects can be turned into
String for output.
Parameters: dw - The DatatypeWriter to be added. Must not be null. |
assignNewId | char assignNewId()(Code) | | |
run | void run()(Code) | | Performs the output as much as possible