| Performs a full-text search.
The full-text search expression is evaluated against the set of full-text
indexed properties within the full-text search scope. If
FullTextSearch.getPropertyName property is specified, the full-text search scope
is the property of that name on the
FullTextSearch.getSelectorName selector node
in the node-tuple; otherwise the full-text search scope is all properties
of the
FullTextSearch.getSelectorName selector node (or, in some implementations,
all properties in the node subtree).
Which properties (if any) in a repository are full-text indexed is
implementation determined.
It is also implementation determined whether
FullTextSearch.getFullTextSearchExpression fullTextSearchExpression is
independently evaluated against each full-text indexed property in the
full-text search scope, or collectively evaluated against the set of such
properties using some implementation-determined mechanism.
Similarly, for multi-valued properties, it is implementation determined
FullTextSearch.getFullTextSearchExpression fullTextSearchExpression is
independently evaluated against each element in the array of values, or
collectively evaluated against the array of values using some
implementation-determined mechanism.
At minimum, an implementation must support the following
FullTextSearch.getFullTextSearchExpression fullTextSearchExpression grammar:
fullTextSearchExpression ::= [-]term {whitespace [OR] whitespace [-]term}
term ::= word | '"' word {whitespace word} '"'
word ::= (A string containing no whitespace)
whitespace ::= (A string of only whitespace)
A query satisfies a FullTextSearch constraint if the
value (or values) of the full-text indexed properties within the
full-text search scope satisfy the specified
FullTextSearch.getFullTextSearchExpression fullTextSearchExpression ,
evaluated as follows:
- A term not preceded with "
- " (minus sign) is satisfied
only if the value contains that term.
- A term preceded with "
- " (minus sign) is satisfied only
if the value does not contain that term.
- Terms separated by whitespace are implicitly "ANDed".
- Terms separated by "
OR " are "ORed".
- "AND" has higher precedence than "OR".
- Within a term, each double quote (
" ), "- "
(minus sign), and "\ " (backslash) must be escaped by a
preceding "\ " (backslash).
The query is invalid if:
FullTextSearch.getPropertyName property is specified but, for a node-tuple,
the selector node does not have a property named
FullTextSearch.getPropertyNameproperty , the query is valid but the constraint is not satisfied.
since: JCR 2.0 |