| java.lang.Object sun.awt.X11.XlibUtil
XlibUtil | public class XlibUtil (Code) | | |
getChildWindows | static Set<Long> getChildWindows(long window)(Code) | | Returns all the children for the given window
getParentWindow | static long getParentWindow(long window)(Code) | | Returns the parent for the given window
getRootWindow | public static long getRootWindow(int screenNumber)(Code) | | Xinerama-aware version of XlibWrapper.RootWindow method.
getWindowGeometry | static Rectangle getWindowGeometry(long window)(Code) | | Returns the bounds of the given window, in absolute coordinates
getWindowMapState | static int getWindowMapState(long window)(Code) | | |
isRoot | static boolean isRoot(long rootCandidate, long screenNumber)(Code) | | Checks if the given window is a root window for the given screen
isToplevelWindow | static boolean isToplevelWindow(long window)(Code) | | NOTICE: Right now returns only decorated top-levels (not Window)
isTrueToplevelWindow | static boolean isTrueToplevelWindow(long window)(Code) | | The same as isToplevelWindow(window), but doesn't treat
XEmbeddedFramePeer as toplevel.
isXAWTToplevelWindow | static boolean isXAWTToplevelWindow(long window)(Code) | | Checks if the given window is a Java window and is an
instance of XWindowPeer
translateCoordinates | static Point translateCoordinates(long src, long dst, Point p)(Code) | | Translates the given point from one window to another. Returns
null if the translation is failed
translateCoordinates | static Rectangle translateCoordinates(long src, long dst, Rectangle r)(Code) | | Translates the given rectangle from one window to another.
Returns null if the translation is failed