| java.lang.Object com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.impl.GenerateJavaAST
GenerateJavaAST | public class GenerateJavaAST (Code) | | This is the big kahuna where most of the nitty gritty of creating our AST
happens. BuildTypeMap must have already run so we have valid mappings between
JDT nodes and our already-created AST nodes.
exec | public static void exec(TypeDeclaration[] types, TypeMap typeMap, JProgram jprogram, JsProgram jsProgram)(Code) | | Combines the information from the JDT type nodes and the type map to create
a JProgram structure.
reportJsniError | public static void reportJsniError(SourceInfo info, AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDeclaration, String message)(Code) | | |