.GWTTestCase .HostedTest HostedTest public class HostedTest extends GWTTestCase (Code) Tests several tricky aspects of hosted mode.
Inner Class :static class A
catchExceptions public boolean catchExceptions()(Code)
test32BitInt public void test32BitInt()(Code)
testAutoBoxing public void testAutoBoxing()(Code)
testBasic public void testBasic()(Code)
testByteMarshalling public void testByteMarshalling()(Code)
testCovariant public void testCovariant()(Code)
testEmbeddedNullsInStrings public void testEmbeddedNullsInStrings()(Code)
testEnum public void testEnum()(Code)
testFloat public void testFloat()(Code)
testFunctionCaching public void testFunctionCaching()(Code)
testGenerics public void testGenerics()(Code)
testJSNIToStringResolution public void testJSNIToStringResolution()(Code) Tests that using the JavaScript toString method results in a call to
the java.lang.Object::toString() method.
testJavaMemberRefResolution public void testJavaMemberRefResolution()(Code) Tests that we are able to use binary and source level names when referencing
a Java identifier from JSNI.
testJsniFormats public void testJsniFormats()(Code)
testLocalJsni public void testLocalJsni()(Code)
testLongMarshalling public void testLongMarshalling()(Code)
testObjectReturns public void testObjectReturns()(Code)
testVarargs public void testVarargs()(Code)