| Class which executes
Command s and
IncrementalCommand s after
all currently pending event handlers have completed. This class attempts to
protect against slow script warnings by running commands in small time
It is still possible that a poorly written command could cause a slow script
warning which a user may choose to cancel. In that event, a
CommandCanceledException or an
IncrementalCommandCanceledException is reported through the current
UncaughtExceptionHandler depending on the type of command which
caused the warning. All other commands will continue to be executed.
TODO(mmendez): Can an SSW be detected without using a timer? Currently, if a
Command or an
IncrementalCommand calls either
Window.alert(String) or the JavaScript alert(String)
methods directly or indirectly then the
CommandExecutor.cancellationTimer can fire,
resulting in a false SSW cancellation detection.