Field Summary |
final public static short | ATTRIBUTE_NODE The constant 2 denotes DOM nodes of type Attribute. |
final public static short | CDATA_SECTION_NODE The constant 4 denotes DOM nodes of type CdataSection. |
final public static short | COMMENT_NODE The constant 8 denotes DOM nodes of type Comment. |
final public static short | DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE The constant 11 denotes DOM nodes of type DocumentFragment. |
final public static short | DOCUMENT_NODE The constant 9 denotes DOM nodes of type Document. |
final public static short | DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE The constant 10 denotes DOM nodes of type DocumentType. |
final public static short | ELEMENT_NODE The constant 1 denotes DOM nodes of type Element. |
final public static short | ENTITY_NODE The constant 6 denotes DOM nodes of type Entity. |
final public static short | ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE The constant 5 denotes DOM nodes of type EntityReference. |
final public static short | NOTATION_NODE The constant 12 denotes DOM nodes of type Notation. |
final public static short | PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE The constant 7 denotes DOM nodes of type ProcessingInstruction. |
final public static short | TEXT_NODE The constant 3 denotes DOM nodes of type Text. |