| java.lang.Object org.openlaszlo.compiler.LineMetrics
LineMetrics | class LineMetrics (Code) | | Used to hold line widths while calculating element text metrics
last_newline_pos | int last_newline_pos(Code) | | |
last_space_pos | int last_space_pos(Code) | | |
last_spacewidth | double last_spacewidth(Code) | | |
trailing_newlines | int trailing_newlines(Code) | | |
trim | boolean trim(Code) | | Keep swallowing whitespace until the first non-whitespace character is
verbatim | boolean verbatim(Code) | | |
addFormat | void addFormat(String str)(Code) | | Add an HTML command, does not affect textwidth
addSpan | void addSpan(String str, FontInfo fontInfo, SWFWriter generator)(Code) | | Add a run of text to the current text block, tracking the max width
and accumulating the text into a buffer.
endOfLine | void endOfLine()(Code) | | |
endStartTag | void endStartTag()(Code) | | |
newline | void newline()(Code) | | End the line and add an HTML linebreak command element to the output buffer.
paragraphBreak | void paragraphBreak()(Code) | | Ensures that at least two newline chars are present at end of
resetLineWidth | void resetLineWidth()(Code) | | act as if a linebreak had occurred, for purposes of calculating max text width
setVerbatim | void setVerbatim(boolean val)(Code) | | |