| com.google.gwt.user.client.impl.DOMImplOpera
DOMImplOpera | public class DOMImplOpera extends DOMImplStandard (Code) | | Opera fix for GWT bug 1556. The mygwt.jar must precede the GWT jars for this
class to be visible.
eventGetButton | native public int eventGetButton(Event evt)(Code) | | |
eventGetMouseWheelVelocityY | native public int eventGetMouseWheelVelocityY(Event evt)(Code) | | |
getAbsoluteLeft | native public int getAbsoluteLeft(Element elem)(Code) | | |
getAbsoluteTop | native public int getAbsoluteTop(Element elem)(Code) | | |
windowGetClientHeight | native public int windowGetClientHeight()(Code) | | |
windowGetClientWidth | native public int windowGetClientWidth()(Code) | | |