Field Summary |
final public static int | ASC Style constant for ascending behavior (value is 1). |
final public static int | AUTO_HIDE Style constant for auto hide behavior (value is 1<<25). |
final public static int | BOTTOM Style constant for bottom behavior (value is 1<<12). |
final public static int | CENTER Style constant for center behavior (value is 1<<24). |
final public static int | CHECK Style constant for check box behavior (value is 1<<8). |
final public static int | CHILDREN Style constant for children behavior (value is 1<<49). |
final public static int | CLOSE Style constant for close behavior (value is 1<<1). |
final public static int | COLLAPSE Style constant for collapse behavior (value is 1<<6). |
final public static int | DEFAULT Indicates that a default value should be used (value is -1). |
final public static int | DESC Style constant for descending behavior (value is 2). |
final public static int | DROP Style constant for framing behavior (value is 1<<3). |
final public static int | EAST Style constant for east direction / region (value is 1<<1). |
final public static int | FLAT Style constant for flat behavior (value is 1<<19). |
final public static int | FOCUSABLE Style constant for focus behavior (value is 1<<16). |
final public static int | FRAME Style constant for radio behavior (value is 1<<29). |
final public static int | HEADER Style constant for header behavior (value is 1<<7). |
final public static int | HORIZONTAL Style constant for horizontal alignment or orientation behavior (value is
1<<15). |
final public static int | ICON_ERROR The MessageBox style constant for error icon behavior (value
is 1<<80). |
final public static int | ICON_INFO The MessageBox style constant for information icon behavior
(value is 1<<82). |
final public static int | ICON_QUESTION The MessageBox style constant for question icon behavior
(value is 1<<84). |
final public static int | ICON_WARNING The MessageBox style constant for warning icon behavior
(value is 1<<86). |
final public static int | LEAF Style constant for leaf behavior (value is 1<<51). |
final public static int | LEFT Style constant left alignment (value is 1<<25). |
final public static int | MENU Style constant for drop menu behavior (value is 1<<30). |
final public static int | MODAL Style constant for modal behavior (value is 1<<20). |
final public static int | MULTI Style constant for multi select behavior (value is 1<<11). |
final public static int | NE Style constant for north east direction / region (value is 1<<14). |
final public static int | NONE A constant known to be zero (0), used in operations which take bit flags to
indicate that "no bits are set". |
final public static int | NORTH Style constant for north direction / region (value is 1<<4). |
final public static int | NW Style constant for north west direction / region (value is 1<<10). |
final public static int | OK The MessageBox style for Ok button (value is 1<<88). |
final public static int | OK_CANCEL The MessageBox style for Ok and Cancel buttons (value is
1<<90). |
final public static int | PARENT Style constant for parent behavior (value is 1<<48). |
final public static int | PUSH Style constant for push button behavior (value is 1<<3). |
final public static int | RADIO Style constant for radio behavior (value is 1<<12). |
final public static int | RESIZE Style constant for resize behavior (value is 1<<3). |
final public static int | RIGHT Style constant right alignment (value is 1<<26). |
final public static int | SE Style constant for south east direction / region (value is 1<<12). |
final public static int | SEPARATOR Style constant for line separator behavior (value is 1<<1). |
final public static int | SIDES Style constant for side behavior (value is 1<<2). |
final public static int | SINGLE Style constant for single select behavior (value is 1<<10). |
final public static int | SOUTH Style constant for south direction / region (value is 1<<3). |
final public static int | SPLIT_MENU Style constant for split menu behavior (value is 1<<32). |
final public static int | SW Style constant for south west direction / region (value is 1<<11). |
final public static int | TOGGLE Style constant for toggle button behavior (value is 1<<9). |
final public static int | TOP Style constant for top behavior (value is 1<<11). |
final public static int | VERTICAL Style constant for vertical alignment or orientation behavior (value is
1<<9). |
final public static int | WEST Style constant for west direction / region (value is 1<<2). |
final public static int | YES_NO The MessageBox style for Yes and No buttons (value is
1<<92). |
final public static int | YES_NO_CANCEL The MessageBox style for Yes, No, and Cancel buttons (value
is 1<<94). |