Method Summary |
public void | setUp() |
public void | tearDown() |
public void | testAddChlidToAddedParent() Test adding children to an parent that is being added in current
transaction. |
public void | testAddInvisibleComponent() Ensure adding an invisible component does not add entries. |
public void | testApplicationPropertyUpdate() Test storage/retrieval of application property update. |
public void | testApplicationPropertyUpdateWithDifferentClientUpdate() Ensure that an application property update is stored in the
ServerUpdateManager even if an update to the same
property was received from the ClientUpdateManager BUT
the property value is now different. |
public void | testApplicationPropertyUpdateWithEquivalentClientUpdate() Ensure that an application property update is NOT stored in the
ServerUpdateManager as a result of a property update
received from the ClientUpdateManager . |
public void | testCommand() Ensure property handling of Command s. |
public void | testInvisibleHierarchyUpdate() Ensure updates to invisible hierarchy do not add entries. |
public void | testLayoutDataUpdate() Test updating of LayoutData properties, ensuring that
these properties correctly register updates for the
parent Component . |
public void | testPropertyUpdate() Test recording of simple property updates, and their removal
in the event that the updated Component is later
removed. |
public void | testPropertyUpdateCancellation1() Ensure that a property update whose state is already reflected on the
client (because the end-user made the property change) is properly
canceled. |
public void | testPropertyUpdateCancellation2() Ensure that a property update whose state is already reflected on the
client (because the end-user made the property change) is properly
canceled. |
public void | testPropertyUpdateCancellation3() Ensure that a property update whose state is already reflected on the
client (because the end-user made the property change) is properly
canceled. |
public void | testPurge() Test basic operation UpdateManager.purge() method. |
public void | testRemove1() Ensure that component removes and descendant removes are properly stored. |
public void | testRemove2() Another slightly more complex test to ensure that component
removes/descendant removes are properly stored. |
public void | testUpdateSorting1() Ensure updates are returned sorted by component depth. |
public void | testUpdateSorting2() Ensure updates are returned sorted by component depth. |
public void | testVisibleUpdate() Ensure that visible updates are treated as adds/removes. |