| java.lang.Object nextapp.echo2.webcontainer.syncpeer.ListComponentPeer
ListComponentPeer | public class ListComponentPeer implements ActionProcessor,ComponentSynchronizePeer,FocusSupport,PropertyUpdateProcessor(Code) | | ComponentSynchronizePeer implementation for
AbstractListComponent -based components.
This peer renders the content of list components in the
ServerMessage 's initialization section
(ServerMessage.GROUP_ID_INIT ) such that a single
rendering of content may be used by multiple list components
if possible.
This class should not be extended or used by classes outside of the
Echo framework.
Method Summary | |
public String | getContainerId(Component child) | public void | processAction(ContainerInstance ci, Component component, Element actionElement) | public void | processPropertyUpdate(ContainerInstance ci, Component component, Element propertyElement) | public void | renderAdd(RenderContext rc, ServerComponentUpdate update, String targetId, Component component) | public void | renderDispose(RenderContext rc, ServerComponentUpdate update, Component component) | public void | renderSetFocus(RenderContext rc, Component component) | public boolean | renderUpdate(RenderContext rc, ServerComponentUpdate update, String targetId) |
LIST_COMPONENT_SERVICE | final public static Service LIST_COMPONENT_SERVICE(Code) | | Service to provide supporting JavaScript library.
ListComponentPeer | public ListComponentPeer()(Code) | | Default constructor.