jsx3.vector |
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment |
Block.java | Class | Defines a base class for GUI controls that implement both the cross-platform box profile painting introduced in
3.2 and the cross-platform (VML/SVG) vector painting, also introduced in 3.2. |
Canvas.java | Class | Represents a vector canvas in which vector shapes are painted. |
Fill.java | Class | Represents a vector fill, the color and gradient that fills a solid vector shape. |
Group.java | Class | Represents a grouping of vector shapes. |
Line.java | Class | Paints a vector line defined by two end points. |
LineGroup.java | Class | A more efficient way of painting many vector lines of the same color and thickness. |
Oval.java | Class | Paints a vector oval bounded by the box defined by its left, top, width, and height. |
Polygon.java | Class | Paints a vector polygon defined by a set of points. |
Rectangle.java | Class | Paints a vector rectangle. |
RectangleGroup.java | Class | A more efficient way of painting many vector rectangles of the same fill and stroke. |
Shape.java | Class | Represents a vector shape element.
The vector shape is the principal vector tag. |
Stroke.java | Class | Represents a vector line style. |
Tag.java | Class | The base class for jsx3.vector.Group and jsx3.vector.Shape. |
TextLine.java | Class | Renders text along an arbitrary line. |