001: /*
002: * Copyright 2005 Joe Walker
003: *
004: * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005: * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006: * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007: *
008: * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009: *
010: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011: * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012: * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013: * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014: * limitations under the License.
015: */
016: package jsx3.gui;
018: import org.directwebremoting.ScriptBuffer;
019: import org.directwebremoting.proxy.ScriptProxy;
020: import org.directwebremoting.proxy.io.Context;
022: /**
023: * Renders a tab in a tabbed pane. An instance of this class must be child of an instance of
024: jsx3.gui.TabbedPane. A tab should have exactly one child, usually a jsx3.gui.Block,
025: which holds all of its content.
026: * @author Joe Walker [joe at getahead dot org]
027: * @author DRAPGEN - Dwr Reverse Ajax Proxy GENerator
028: */
029: public class Tab extends jsx3.gui.Block {
030: /**
031: * All reverse ajax proxies need context to work from
032: * @param scriptProxy The place we are writing scripts to
033: * @param context The script that got us to where we are now
034: */
035: public Tab(Context context, String extension,
036: ScriptProxy scriptProxy) {
037: super (context, extension, scriptProxy);
038: }
040: /**
041: * instance initializer
042: * @param strName unique name distinguishing this object from all other JSX GUI objects in the JSX application
043: * @param strText text to display within the given tab; if null, jsx3.gui.Tab.DEFAULTTEXT is used
044: * @param vntWidth one of: 1) the width as an integer representing a fixed pixel width for the tab (e.g., 80) ; 2) the width as a percentage representing this tab's width as a percentage of how wide the entire tabbed pane should be (e.g., "25%"); 3) no value (null) to designate that this tab should be just large engough to contain the value of the parameter, @strText;
045: * @param strHexActiveColor valid css property for defining the color to use when the tab is active (i.e., red, #ff0000, etc)
046: * @param strHexInactiveColor valid css property for defining the color to use when the tab is inactive (i.e., red, #ff0000, etc)
047: */
048: public Tab(String strName, String strText, String vntWidth,
049: String strHexActiveColor, String strHexInactiveColor) {
050: super ((Context) null, (String) null, (ScriptProxy) null);
051: ScriptBuffer script = new ScriptBuffer();
052: script.appendCall("new Tab", strName, strText, vntWidth,
053: strHexActiveColor, strHexInactiveColor);
054: setInitScript(script);
055: }
057: /**
058: * instance initializer
059: * @param strName unique name distinguishing this object from all other JSX GUI objects in the JSX application
060: * @param strText text to display within the given tab; if null, jsx3.gui.Tab.DEFAULTTEXT is used
061: * @param vntWidth one of: 1) the width as an integer representing a fixed pixel width for the tab (e.g., 80) ; 2) the width as a percentage representing this tab's width as a percentage of how wide the entire tabbed pane should be (e.g., "25%"); 3) no value (null) to designate that this tab should be just large engough to contain the value of the parameter, @strText;
062: * @param strHexActiveColor valid css property for defining the color to use when the tab is active (i.e., red, #ff0000, etc)
063: * @param strHexInactiveColor valid css property for defining the color to use when the tab is inactive (i.e., red, #ff0000, etc)
064: */
065: public Tab(String strName, String strText, int vntWidth,
066: String strHexActiveColor, String strHexInactiveColor) {
067: super ((Context) null, (String) null, (ScriptProxy) null);
068: ScriptBuffer script = new ScriptBuffer();
069: script.appendCall("new Tab", strName, strText, vntWidth,
070: strHexActiveColor, strHexInactiveColor);
071: setInitScript(script);
072: }
074: /**
075: *
076: */
077: public static final String DEFAULTBEVELIMAGE = null;
079: /**
080: * #e8e8f5
081: */
082: public static final String DEFAULTACTIVECOLOR = "#e8e8f5";
084: /**
085: * #d8d8e5
086: */
087: public static final String DEFAULTINACTIVECOLOR = "#d8d8e5";
089: /**
090: *
091: */
092: public static final String ACTIVEBEVEL = null;
094: /**
095: *
096: */
097: public static final String INACTIVEBEVEL = null;
099: /**
100: * #e8e8f5
101: */
102: public static final String CHILDBGCOLOR = "#e8e8f5";
104: /**
105: * 0 : disabled
106: */
107: public static final int STATEDISABLED = 0;
109: /**
110: * 1 : enabled (default)
111: */
112: public static final int STATEENABLED = 1;
114: /**
115: * Returns background image that will underlay each tab to provide an outset-type border. Default: jsx3.gui.Tab.DEFAULTBEVELIMAGE
116: * @param callback valid url (typically relative) to point to an image that can be used as a bacground image for the tab
117: */
118: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
119: public void getBevel(
120: org.directwebremoting.proxy.Callback<String> callback) {
121: ScriptBuffer script = new ScriptBuffer();
122: String callbackPrefix = "";
124: if (callback != null) {
125: callbackPrefix = "var reply = ";
126: }
128: script.appendCall(callbackPrefix + getContextPath()
129: + "getBevel");
131: if (callback != null) {
132: String key = org.directwebremoting.extend.CallbackHelper
133: .saveCallback(callback, String.class);
134: script
135: .appendCall("__System.activateCallback", key,
136: "reply");
137: }
139: getScriptProxy().addScript(script);
140: }
142: /**
143: * Sets background image that will underlay each tab to provide an outset-type border; if this value is not set or null is passed, the default background image for the jsx3.gui.Tab class will be use the contant value, jsx3.gui.Tab.DEFAULTBEVELIMAGE;
144: * @param strURL valid url (typically relative) to point to an image that can be used as a bacground image for the tab
145: * @return this object
146: */
147: public jsx3.gui.Tab setBevel(String strURL) {
148: ScriptBuffer script = new ScriptBuffer();
149: script.appendCall(getContextPath() + "setBevel", strURL);
150: getScriptProxy().addScript(script);
151: return this ;
152: }
154: /**
155: * Brings this tab and its associated pane forward in the stack among all sibling tabs.
156: */
157: public void doShow() {
158: ScriptBuffer script = new ScriptBuffer();
159: script.appendCall(getContextPath() + "doShow");
160: getScriptProxy().addScript(script);
161: }
163: /**
164: * Returns valid CSS property value, (e.g., red, #ffffff) when tab is active. Default: jsx3.gui.Tab.DEFAULTACTIVECOLOR
165: * @param callback valid CSS property value, (e.g., red, #ffffff)
166: */
167: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
168: public void getActiveColor(
169: org.directwebremoting.proxy.Callback<String> callback) {
170: ScriptBuffer script = new ScriptBuffer();
171: String callbackPrefix = "";
173: if (callback != null) {
174: callbackPrefix = "var reply = ";
175: }
177: script.appendCall(callbackPrefix + getContextPath()
178: + "getActiveColor");
180: if (callback != null) {
181: String key = org.directwebremoting.extend.CallbackHelper
182: .saveCallback(callback, String.class);
183: script
184: .appendCall("__System.activateCallback", key,
185: "reply");
186: }
188: getScriptProxy().addScript(script);
189: }
191: /**
192: * Sets valid CSS property value, (e.g., red, #ffffff) when tab is active;
193: * @param strActiveColor valid CSS property value, (e.g., red, #ffffff)
194: * @return this object
195: */
196: public jsx3.gui.Tab setActiveColor(String strActiveColor) {
197: ScriptBuffer script = new ScriptBuffer();
198: script.appendCall(getContextPath() + "setActiveColor",
199: strActiveColor);
200: getScriptProxy().addScript(script);
201: return this ;
202: }
204: /**
205: * Returns valid CSS property value, (e.g., red, #ffffff) when tab is inactive (not selected tab in the group). Default: jsx3.gui.Tab.DEFAULTINACTIVECOLOR
206: * @param callback valid CSS property value, (e.g., red, #ffffff)
207: */
208: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
209: public void getInactiveColor(
210: org.directwebremoting.proxy.Callback<String> callback) {
211: ScriptBuffer script = new ScriptBuffer();
212: String callbackPrefix = "";
214: if (callback != null) {
215: callbackPrefix = "var reply = ";
216: }
218: script.appendCall(callbackPrefix + getContextPath()
219: + "getInactiveColor");
221: if (callback != null) {
222: String key = org.directwebremoting.extend.CallbackHelper
223: .saveCallback(callback, String.class);
224: script
225: .appendCall("__System.activateCallback", key,
226: "reply");
227: }
229: getScriptProxy().addScript(script);
230: }
232: /**
233: * Sets valid CSS property value, (e.g., red, #ffffff) when tab is inactive (not selected tab in the group);
234: * @param strInactiveColor valid CSS property value, (e.g., red, #ffffff)
235: * @return this object
236: */
237: public jsx3.gui.Tab setInactiveColor(String strInactiveColor) {
238: ScriptBuffer script = new ScriptBuffer();
239: script.appendCall(getContextPath() + "setInactiveColor",
240: strInactiveColor);
241: getScriptProxy().addScript(script);
242: return this ;
243: }
245: /**
246: * Returns the state for the tab control. Default: jsx3.gui.Tab.STATEENABLED
247: * @param callback one of: jsx3.gui.Tab.STATEDISABLED, jsx3.gui.Tab.STATEENABLED
248: */
249: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
250: public void getEnabled(
251: org.directwebremoting.proxy.Callback<Integer> callback) {
252: ScriptBuffer script = new ScriptBuffer();
253: String callbackPrefix = "";
255: if (callback != null) {
256: callbackPrefix = "var reply = ";
257: }
259: script.appendCall(callbackPrefix + getContextPath()
260: + "getEnabled");
262: if (callback != null) {
263: String key = org.directwebremoting.extend.CallbackHelper
264: .saveCallback(callback, Integer.class);
265: script
266: .appendCall("__System.activateCallback", key,
267: "reply");
268: }
270: getScriptProxy().addScript(script);
271: }
273: /**
274: * Sets the enabled state for the tab control; returns reference to self to facilitate method chaining
275: * @param STATE one of: jsx3.gui.Tab.STATEDISABLED, jsx3.gui.Tab.STATEENABLED
276: * @return this object
277: */
278: public jsx3.gui.Tab setEnabled(int STATE) {
279: ScriptBuffer script = new ScriptBuffer();
280: script.appendCall(getContextPath() + "setEnabled", STATE);
281: getScriptProxy().addScript(script);
282: return this ;
283: }
285: /**
286: * Returns the child of this tab that will be painted as the content of this tab. This implementation returns the
287: first child of this stack.
288: */
289: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
290: public jsx3.app.Model getContentChild() {
291: String extension = "getContentChild().";
292: try {
293: java.lang.reflect.Constructor<jsx3.app.Model> ctor = jsx3.app.Model.class
294: .getConstructor(Context.class, String.class,
295: ScriptProxy.class);
296: return ctor.newInstance(this , extension, getScriptProxy());
297: } catch (Exception ex) {
298: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: "
299: + jsx3.app.Model.class.getName());
300: }
301: }
303: /**
304: * Returns the child of this tab that will be painted as the content of this tab. This implementation returns the
305: first child of this stack.
306: * @param returnType The expected return type
307: */
308: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
309: public <T> T getContentChild(Class<T> returnType) {
310: String extension = "getContentChild().";
311: try {
312: java.lang.reflect.Constructor<T> ctor = returnType
313: .getConstructor(Context.class, String.class,
314: ScriptProxy.class);
315: return ctor.newInstance(this , extension, getScriptProxy());
316: } catch (Exception ex) {
317: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
318: "Unsupported return type: " + returnType.getName());
319: }
320: }
322: }