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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Ajax » dwr » org.directwebremoting.impl 
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public class DefaultServerLoadMonitor extends AbstractServerLoadMonitor implements ServerLoadMonitor(Code)
A smart implementation of ServerLoadMonitor.

What a browser does:

 connected disconnected connected ...
 ____________          ____________
 |          |          |          |
 |          |          |          |
 _____|          |__________|          |______
 [---cT---] [---dT---] [---cT---] ...

Where cT is the connectedTime and dT is the disconnectedTime.

We impose some limits: a maximum number of symultaneously connected browsers maxWaitingThreads, and the maximum number of connections per second maxHitsPerSecond.

We attempt to keep the actual waitingThreads and hitsPerSecond within bounds by vairying connectedTime and disconnectedTime.

The system is in one of 3 modes: USAGE_LOW, USAGE_HIGH and USAGE_DIGG. The boundary between USAGE_LOW and USAGE_HIGH is called threadOut. The boundary between USAGE_HIGH and USAGE_DIGG is called hitOut.

The system starts in USAGE_LOW mode. This mode uses constant values of connectedTime=60 secs and disconnectedTime=0 secs. We could use much bigger values for connectedTime (like infinite) however the servlet spec does not enable servlet engines to inform us if the browser goes away so we check by asking the browser to reconnect periodically.

In USAGE_LOW mode we measure the number of clients using the number of concurrently connected browsers (waitingThreads), when this goes above maxWaitingThreads we move into USAGE_HIGH mode.

On entering USAGE_HIGH mode, the settings (initially) change to connectedTime=49 secs and disconnectedTime=1 sec. As the load increases the connectedTime decreases linearly from 49 secs down to prevent the hits per second from going above maxHitsPerSecond. If the connectedTime goes below 1sec then the mode switches to USAGE_DIGG. If the connectedTime goes above 49 secs then mode switches to USAGE_LOW.

Note: there is some danger of an overlap where the system toggles between USAGE_HIGH and USAGE_LOW. We need some way to prevent this from happening.

On entering USAGE_DIGG mode, the connectedTime changes to 0 secs, and the disconnectedTime changes to 2 secs (to keep the round trip time at 2 secs). The disconnectedTime alters to prevent the hitsPerSecond from going above maxHitsPerSecond (In USAGE_HIGH mode the connectedTime was altered). When the disconnectedTime would go under 2 secs, we switch back to USAGE_HIGH mode.

   Joe Walker [joe at getahead dot org]

Field Summary
final protected static  intSECONDS_MONITORED
     We are recording the number of hits in the last 5 seconds.
final protected static  intUSAGE_DIGG
     The system is very heavily used, polling only.
final protected static  intUSAGE_HIGH
     This system can't cope with everyone on comet, we are in mixed mode.
final protected static  intUSAGE_LOW
     The system is under-utilized.
final protected static  String[]USAGE_NAMES
protected  intconnectedTime
     The time we are currently waiting before sending a browser away and asking it to reconnect.
protected  intdisconnectedTime
protected  HitMonitorhitMonitor
final protected static  inthitOutRoundTripTime
protected  intmaxConnectedTime
     Static configuration data: What is the longest we wait for extra input after detecting output.
protected  intmaxHitsPerSecond
     Static configuration data: The max number of hits per second. We increase the poll time to compensate and reduce the load.
protected  intmaxWaitingThreads
     Static configuration data: The max number of threads we keep waiting.
protected  intmode
     What is the current usage mode.
final protected static  intthreadOutRoundTripTime
final protected static  intusageDiggConnectedTime
final protected static  intusageDiggMinDisconnectedTime
final protected static  intusageHighDisconnectedTime
final protected static  intusageHighFinalConnectedTime
final protected static  intusageHighInitialConnectedTime
protected  intwaitingThreads

Method Summary
public  longgetConnectedTime()
public  intgetDisconnectedTime()
 voidsetMaxConnectedTime(int maxConnectedTime)
     It might be good top expose this, however there are currently assumptions in the code that the value is set to 60000.
public  voidsetMaxHitsPerSecond(int maxHitsPerSecond)
public  voidsetMaxWaitingThreads(int maxWaitingThreads)
protected  voidsetMode(int mode)
     For debug purposes we keep a track of what mode we are in.
public  booleansupportsStreaming()
public  voidthreadWaitEnding(WaitController controller)
public  voidthreadWaitStarting(WaitController controller)

Field Detail
final protected static int SECONDS_MONITORED(Code)
We are recording the number of hits in the last 5 seconds. Maybe we should think about making this configurable.

final protected static int USAGE_DIGG(Code)
The system is very heavily used, polling only.

final protected static int USAGE_HIGH(Code)
This system can't cope with everyone on comet, we are in mixed mode.

final protected static int USAGE_LOW(Code)
The system is under-utilized. Everyone does comet.

final protected static String[] USAGE_NAMES(Code)
Some Strings to help us give some debug output

protected int connectedTime(Code)
The time we are currently waiting before sending a browser away and asking it to reconnect.

protected int disconnectedTime(Code)
How long are we telling users to wait before they come back next

protected HitMonitor hitMonitor(Code)
Our record of the server loading

final protected static int hitOutRoundTripTime(Code)

protected int maxConnectedTime(Code)
Static configuration data: What is the longest we wait for extra input after detecting output.

protected int maxHitsPerSecond(Code)
Static configuration data: The max number of hits per second. We increase the poll time to compensate and reduce the load. If this number is not at least half maxWaitingThreads then the USAGE_HIGH mode will not exist and the system will sublime from USAGE_LOW to USAGE_DIGG

protected int maxWaitingThreads(Code)
Static configuration data: The max number of threads we keep waiting. We reduce the timeWithinPoll*Stream variables to reduce the load

protected int mode(Code)
What is the current usage mode.

final protected static int threadOutRoundTripTime(Code)

final protected static int usageDiggConnectedTime(Code)

final protected static int usageDiggMinDisconnectedTime(Code)

final protected static int usageHighDisconnectedTime(Code)

final protected static int usageHighFinalConnectedTime(Code)

final protected static int usageHighInitialConnectedTime(Code)

protected int waitingThreads(Code)
How many sleepers are there?

Method Detail
public long getConnectedTime()(Code)

public int getDisconnectedTime()(Code)

void setMaxConnectedTime(int maxConnectedTime)(Code)
It might be good top expose this, however there are currently assumptions in the code that the value is set to 60000. See DefaultServerLoadMonitor.usageHighInitialConnectedTime .
  maxConnectedTime - the maxConnectedTime to set

public void setMaxHitsPerSecond(int maxHitsPerSecond)(Code)

  maxHitsPerSecond - the maxHitsPerSecond to set

public void setMaxWaitingThreads(int maxWaitingThreads)(Code)

  maxWaitingThreads - the maxWaitingThreads to set

protected void setMode(int mode)(Code)
For debug purposes we keep a track of what mode we are in.
  mode - The new usage mode

public boolean supportsStreaming()(Code)

public void threadWaitEnding(WaitController controller)(Code)

public void threadWaitStarting(WaitController controller)(Code)

Fields inherited from org.directwebremoting.impl.AbstractServerLoadMonitor
final protected List<WaitController> waitControllers(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from org.directwebremoting.impl.AbstractServerLoadMonitor
public void shutdown()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void shutdownRandomWaitControllers(int count)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void threadWaitEnding(WaitController controller)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void threadWaitStarting(WaitController controller)(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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