| java.lang.Object org.directwebremoting.util.CompareUtil
CompareUtil | public class CompareUtil (Code) | | Some utilities for comparing objects that could be null
author: Joe Walker [joe at getahead dot ltd dot uk] |
compare | public static int compare(Comparable<T> o1, T o2)(Code) | | Compare 2 objects taking account of the fact that either could be null
< Parameters: T - > The type that we are comparing Parameters: o1 - The first object to compare Parameters: o2 - The second object to compare -1, 0, or 1 |
equals | public static boolean equals(Object o1, Object o2)(Code) | | Compare 2 objects taking account of the fact that either could be null
Parameters: o1 - The first object to compare Parameters: o2 - The second object to compare true iff they are both null or if o1.equals(o2) |