| com.gwtext.client.core.ExtElement com.gwtext.client.widgets.Layer
Layer | public class Layer extends ExtElement (Code) | | An extended
ExtElement object that supports a shadow and shim, constrain to viewport and automatic maintaining of shadow/shim positions.
Method Summary | |
public static Layer | instance(JavaScriptObject jsObj) | native public void | setZIndex(int zindex) Sets the z-index of this layer and adjusts any shadow and shim z-indexes. |
Layer | public Layer(LayerConfig config)(Code) | | Create a new Layer.
Parameters: config - the layer config |
Layer | public Layer(LayerConfig config, Element existingEl)(Code) | | Create a new Layer.
Parameters: config - the layer config Parameters: existingEl - an existing element |
Layer | public Layer(JavaScriptObject jsObj)(Code) | | |
instance | public static Layer instance(JavaScriptObject jsObj)(Code) | | |
setZIndex | native public void setZIndex(int zindex)(Code) | | Sets the z-index of this layer and adjusts any shadow and shim z-indexes. The layer z-index is automatically
incremented by two more than the value passed in so that it always shows above any shadow or shim (the shadow element,
if any, will be assigned z-index + 1, and the shim element, if any, will be assigned the unmodified z-index).
Parameters: zindex - the z index |
Methods inherited from com.gwtext.client.core.ExtElement | native public ExtElement appendChild(Element child)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement appendTo(Element el)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement blur()(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement boxWrap()(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement boxWrap(String boxClass)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement center()(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement center(Element centerIn)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element child(String selector)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement clearPositioning()(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement clearPositioning(Position value)(Code)(Java Doc) native public boolean contains(Element el)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement createChild(DomConfig config)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement createChild(DomConfig config, Element insertBefore)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement createProxy(DomConfig config)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement createProxy(DomConfig config, Element renderTo, boolean matchBox)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement createProxy(String cls)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement createProxy(String cls, Element renderTo, boolean matchBox)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element down(String selector)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element findParent(String selector)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element findParent(String selector, Element container)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element findParent(String selector, int maxDepth)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element findParentNode(String selector, Element container)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element findParentNode(String selector, int maxDepth)(Code)(Java Doc) native public static ExtElement fly(String id)(Code)(Java Doc) native public static ExtElement fly(String id, String named)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement focus()(Code)(Java Doc) native public static ExtElement get(String id)(Code)(Java Doc) native public int[] getAlignToXY(Element element, String anchorPosition)(Code)(Java Doc) native public int[] getAlignToXY(Element element, String anchorPosition, int[] offesets)(Code)(Java Doc) native public int[] getAnchorXY()(Code)(Java Doc) native public int[] getAnchorXY(String anchorPosition, boolean local, int width, int height)(Code)(Java Doc) native public String getAttributeNS(String namespace, String name)(Code)(Java Doc) native public int getBorderWidth(Side side)(Code)(Java Doc) native public int getBottom(boolean local)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Box getBox()(Code)(Java Doc) native public Box getBox(boolean contentBox, boolean local)(Code)(Java Doc) native public int[] getCenterXY()(Code)(Java Doc) native public int getClientWidth()(Code)(Java Doc) native public String getColor(String attr, String defaultValue)(Code)(Java Doc) native public String getColor(String attr, String defaultValue, String prefix)(Code)(Java Doc) native public int getComputedHeight()(Code)(Java Doc) native public int getComputedWidth()(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element getDOM()(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element getFirstChild()(Code)(Java Doc) native public int getFrameWidth(Side side)(Code)(Java Doc) native public int getHeight()(Code)(Java Doc) native public int getHeight(boolean contentHeight)(Code)(Java Doc) native public int getLeft()(Code)(Java Doc) native public int getLeft(boolean local)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Margins getMargins()(Code)(Java Doc) native public int getPadding(Side side)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element getParentNode()(Code)(Java Doc) native public PositioningConfig getPositioning()(Code)(Java Doc) native public Region getRegion()(Code)(Java Doc) native public int[] getScroll()(Code)(Java Doc) native public Size getSize()(Code)(Java Doc) native public String getStyle(String property)(Code)(Java Doc) native public int getTop()(Code)(Java Doc) native public int getTop(boolean local)(Code)(Java Doc) native public UpdateManager getUpdateManager()(Code)(Java Doc) native public String getValue()(Code)(Java Doc) native public float getValueAsNumber()(Code)(Java Doc) native public Size getViewSize()(Code)(Java Doc) native public int getWidth()(Code)(Java Doc) native public int getWidth(boolean contentWidth)(Code)(Java Doc) native public int getX()(Code)(Java Doc) native public int[] getXY()(Code)(Java Doc) native public int getY()(Code)(Java Doc) native public boolean hasClass(String className)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement insertAfter(Element el)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement insertBefore(Element el)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement insertFirst(Element el)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement insertFirst(DomConfig config)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element insertHtmlAfterBegin(String html)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element insertHtmlAfterEnd(String html)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element insertHtmlBeforeBegin(String html)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element insertHtmlBeforeEnd(String html)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element insertSibling(Element el)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement insertSibling(Element el, boolean before)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element insertSibling(DomConfig config)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement insertSibling(DomConfig config, boolean before)(Code)(Java Doc) native public boolean is(String selector)(Code)(Java Doc) native public boolean isBorderBox()(Code)(Java Doc) native public boolean isDisplayed()(Code)(Java Doc) native public boolean isMasked()(Code)(Java Doc) native public boolean isScrollable()(Code)(Java Doc) native public boolean isVisible()(Code)(Java Doc) native public boolean isVisible(boolean deep)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement mask()(Code)(Java Doc) public ExtElement mask(String msg)(Code)(Java Doc) public ExtElement mask(String msg, boolean animatedIcon)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement mask(String msg, String msgClass)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element next()(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element next(String selector)(Code)(Java Doc) native public void position()(Code)(Java Doc) native public void position(Positioning pos, int zIndex, int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element prev()(Code)(Java Doc) native public Element prev(String selector)(Code)(Java Doc) native public static Element[] query(String selector)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement replace(Element el)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement scrollIntoView()(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement scrollIntoView(Element container, boolean hscroll)(Code)(Java Doc) native public CompositeElement select(String selector)(Code)(Java Doc) native public CompositeElement select(String selector, boolean unique)(Code)(Java Doc) native public BaseElement setPositioning(PositioningConfig posCfg)(Code)(Java Doc) native public int[] translatePoints(int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement unclip()(Code)(Java Doc) native public void unmask()(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement up(String selector, Element container)(Code)(Java Doc) native public ExtElement up(String selector, int maxDepth)(Code)(Java Doc) native public void update(String html, boolean loadScripts, Function callback)(Code)(Java Doc)