| java.lang.Object org.zkoss.idom.Namespace
Namespace | final public class Namespace implements Serializable,Cloneable(Code) | | Represents the namespace.
A namespace is immutable, so you have to get a new one
author: tomyeh See Also: Item |
NO_NAMESPACE | final public static Namespace NO_NAMESPACE(Code) | | The Namespace for when not in a namespace
XMLNS_NAMESPACE | final public static Namespace XMLNS_NAMESPACE(Code) | | The xmlns namespace.
XML_NAMESPACE | final public static Namespace XML_NAMESPACE(Code) | | The xml namespace.
Namespace | public Namespace(String prefix, String uri)(Code) | | Contructor.
Parameters: prefix - String prefix to map to this namespace. Parameters: uri - String URI for namespace. exception: DOMException - with NAMESPACE_ERR if the given prefix and uriis invalid |
equals | public boolean equals(Object o)(Code) | | Note: equals() is based on URI only.
equalsAll | final public boolean equalsAll(Namespace ns)(Code) | | Tests whether two namespace are the same in both prefix
and namespace URI.
On the other hand, equals check only the namespace URI.
Note: unlike equals, it throws DOMException if prefix
is the same but URI is different.
exception: DOMException - if they have the same prefixbut with different namespace URI |
getPrefix | final public String getPrefix()(Code) | | Gets the prefix mapped to this Namespace.
getSpecial | public static Namespace getSpecial(String prefix)(Code) | | Returns the special namespace if prefix is special, or null if not.
getURI | final public String getURI()(Code) | | Gets the namespace URI for this Namespace.
hashCode | public int hashCode()(Code) | | Note: hashCode() is based on URI only.
tagNameOf | final public String tagNameOf(String name)(Code) | | Gets the tag name of the giving local name.