| java.lang.Object org.zkoss.web.servlet.StyleSheet
Constructor Summary | |
public | StyleSheet(String href, String type) Creates by specifying the file to contain the style sheets.
Parameters: href - URI of the file containing the style sheets. Parameters: type - the type. | public | StyleSheet(String content, String type, boolean byContent) Creates by assigning the content (style sheets).
Parameters: content - the style content or an URI to an external file. Parameters: type - the type. |
StyleSheet | public StyleSheet(String href, String type)(Code) | | Creates by specifying the file to contain the style sheets.
Parameters: href - URI of the file containing the style sheets. Parameters: type - the type. If null, "text/css" is assumed. |
StyleSheet | public StyleSheet(String content, String type, boolean byContent)(Code) | | Creates by assigning the content (style sheets).
Parameters: content - the style content or an URI to an external file. Parameters: type - the type. If null, "text/css" is assumed. Parameters: byContent - the content argument is the style content, oran URI to an external content |
hashCode | public int hashCode()(Code) | | |