| java.lang.Object org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event org.zkoss.zkplus.databind.BindingSaveEvent
BindingSaveEvent | public class BindingSaveEvent extends Event (Code) | | Event used when DataBinder send "onBindingSave" events.
author: henrichen since: 3.0.0 |
BindingSaveEvent | public BindingSaveEvent(String name, Component target, Component reference, Binding binding, Object value)(Code) | | Constructs a binding-relevant event.
Parameters: name - the event name Parameters: target - the target that receive the event Parameters: reference - the reference component that "trigger" the event Parameters: binding - the associated binding of this event. Parameters: value - the value associated with the binding. |
getBinding | public Binding getBinding()(Code) | | Gets the associate binding of this event.
getReference | public Component getReference()(Code) | | Gets the reference component that "trigger" sending of this event.
getValue | public Object getValue()(Code) | | Gets the value to be saved after "onBindingSave" event.