| java.lang.Object org.zkoss.zk.ui.AbstractComponent org.zkoss.zul.Style
Style | public class Style extends AbstractComponent (Code) | | The style component used to specify CSS styles for the owner desktop.
Note: a style component can appear anywhere in a ZUML page, but it
affects all components in the same desktop.
Note: unlike HTML STYLE, this component can be added and removed
dynamically and the rules will be attached and detached accordingly.
There are three formats when used in a ZUML page:
Method 1: Specify the URL of the CSS file
<style src="my.css"/>
Method 2: Specify the CSS directly
.mycls {
border: 1px outset #777;
Method 3: Specify the CSS by use of the content
property (
Style.setContent ).
<attribute name="content">
.mycls {
border: 1px outset #777;
Note: if the src and content properties are both set,
the content property is ignored.
author: tomyeh |
Inner Class :protected class ExtraCtrl implements DynamicMedia | |
Style | public Style(String src)(Code) | | Parameters: src - the URI of an external style sheet. |
getContent | public String getContent()(Code) | | Returns the content of the style element.
By content we mean the CSS rules that will be sent to the client.
Note: if
Style.setSrc is called with a non-empty value,
this method is ignored, i.e.,
Style.getSrc has the higher priority.
Default: null.
since: 3.0.0 |
getOuterAttrs | public String getOuterAttrs()(Code) | | Returns the attributes for generating the HTML tags.
getSrc | public String getSrc()(Code) | | Returns the URI of an external style sheet.
Default: null. If null, the children's
(must be instances of
Label ) value (
Label.getValue )
is used as the content of styles.
If not null, the HTML LINK tag is generated to ask the browser
to load the specified style sheet.
Note: If not null, the content of children are ignored.
isChildable | public boolean isChildable()(Code) | | Not childable.
setContent | public void setContent(String content)(Code) | | Sets the content of the style element.
By content we mean the CSS rules that will be sent to the client.
since: 3.0.0 |
setSrc | public void setSrc(String src)(Code) | | Sets the URI of an external style sheet.
Parameters: src - the URI of an external style sheet, or null to usethe content of children (Label.getValue) instead. |
setVisible | public boolean setVisible(boolean visible)(Code) | | Not allowd.
Methods inherited from org.zkoss.zk.ui.AbstractComponent | public void addAnnotation(String annotName, Map annotAttrs)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addAnnotation(String propName, String annotName, Map annotAttrs)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addEventHandler(String name, EventHandler evthd)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean addEventListener(String evtnm, EventListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean addForward(String orgEvent, Component target, String targetEvent)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean addForward(String orgEvent, String targetPath, String targetEvent)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addMoved(Component oldparent, Page oldpg, Page newpg)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addSharedAnnotationMap(AnnotationMap annots)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addSharedEventHandlerMap(EventHandlerMap evthds)(Code)(Java Doc) protected StringBuffer appendAsapAttr(StringBuffer sb, String evtnm)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean appendChild(Component child)(Code)(Java Doc) public void applyProperties()(Code)(Java Doc) public Object clone()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean containsVariable(String name, boolean local)(Code)(Java Doc) public void detach()(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean equals(Object o)(Code)(Java Doc) public List getAnnotatedProperties()(Code)(Java Doc) public List getAnnotatedPropertiesBy(String annotName)(Code)(Java Doc) public Annotation getAnnotation(String annotName)(Code)(Java Doc) public Annotation getAnnotation(String propName, String annotName)(Code)(Java Doc) public Collection getAnnotations()(Code)(Java Doc) public Collection getAnnotations(String propName)(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getAttribute(String name, int scope)(Code)(Java Doc) final public Object getAttribute(String name)(Code)(Java Doc) public Map getAttributes(int scope)(Code)(Java Doc) final public Map getAttributes()(Code)(Java Doc) public List getChildren()(Code)(Java Doc) public ComponentDefinition getDefinition()(Code)(Java Doc) final public Desktop getDesktop()(Code)(Java Doc) public ZScript getEventHandler(String evtnm)(Code)(Java Doc) public Set getEventHandlerNames()(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getExtraCtrl()(Code)(Java Doc) public Component getFellow(String compId)(Code)(Java Doc) public Component getFellowIfAny(String compId)(Code)(Java Doc) public Component getFirstChild()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getId()(Code)(Java Doc) public Component getLastChild()(Code)(Java Doc) public Iterator getListenerIterator(String evtnm)(Code)(Java Doc) final public String getMold()(Code)(Java Doc) protected Object getMoldURI()(Code)(Java Doc) public Namespace getNamespace()(Code)(Java Doc) public Component getNextSibling()(Code)(Java Doc) final public Page getPage()(Code)(Java Doc) public Component getParent()(Code)(Java Doc) public Component getPreviousSibling()(Code)(Java Doc) public Component getPropagatee(String evtnm)(Code)(Java Doc) public Component getRoot()(Code)(Java Doc) final public IdSpace getSpaceOwner()(Code)(Java Doc) final public String getUuid()(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getVariable(String name, boolean local)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean insertBefore(Component newChild, Component refChild)(Code)(Java Doc) public void invalidate()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isAsapRequired(String evtnm)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isChildable()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isListenerAvailable(String evtnm, boolean asap)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isVisible()(Code)(Java Doc) protected Object newExtraCtrl()(Code)(Java Doc) public void onChildAdded(Component child)(Code)(Java Doc) public void onChildRemoved(Component child)(Code)(Java Doc) public void onDrawNewChild(Component child, StringBuffer out) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void onPageAttached(Page newpage, Page oldpage)(Code)(Java Doc) public void onPageDetached(Page page)(Code)(Java Doc) public WrongValueException onWrongValue(WrongValueException ex)(Code)(Java Doc) public void redraw(Writer out) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public Object removeAttribute(String name, int scope)(Code)(Java Doc) final public Object removeAttribute(String name)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean removeChild(Component child)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean removeEventListener(String evtnm, EventListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean removeForward(String orgEvent, Component target, String targetEvent)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean removeForward(String orgEvent, String targetPath, String targetEvent)(Code)(Java Doc) public void response(String key, AuResponse response)(Code)(Java Doc) public void sessionDidActivate(Page page)(Code)(Java Doc) public void sessionWillPassivate(Page page)(Code)(Java Doc) public Object setAttribute(String name, Object value, int scope)(Code)(Java Doc) final public Object setAttribute(String name, Object value)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setComponentDefinition(ComponentDefinition compdef)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setId(String id)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setMold(String mold)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPage(Page page)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPageBefore(Page page, Component refRoot)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setParent(Component parent)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setVariable(String name, Object val, boolean local)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean setVisible(boolean visible)(Code)(Java Doc) public void smartUpdate(String attr, String value)(Code)(Java Doc) public void smartUpdate(String attr, int value)(Code)(Java Doc) public void smartUpdate(String attr, boolean value)(Code)(Java Doc) public void smartUpdateDeferred(String attr, DeferredValue value)(Code)(Java Doc) public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc) public void unsetVariable(String name, boolean local)(Code)(Java Doc)