| java.lang.Object java.awt.BasicStroke
Inner Class :class Dasher | |
Inner Class :abstract static class DashIterator | |
Inner Class :static class BufferedPath | |
Constructor Summary | |
public | BasicStroke() | public | BasicStroke(float width, int cap, int join, float miterLimit, float[] dash, float dashPhase) | public | BasicStroke(float width, int cap, int join, float miterLimit) | public | BasicStroke(float width, int cap, int join) | public | BasicStroke(float width) |
Method Summary | |
void | addCap(BufferedPath p, double x0, double y0, double x2, double y2) | void | addCubic(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4) | void | addDashCubic(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4) | void | addDashLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) | void | addDashQuad(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) | void | addJoin(BufferedPath p, double x0, double y0, double x2, double y2, boolean isLeft) | void | addLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, boolean zero) | void | addQuad(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) | void | addRoundJoin(BufferedPath p, double x0, double y0, double x2, double y2, boolean isLeft) | void | addSubCubic(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4, int level) | void | addSubQuad(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, int level) | void | closeDashedShape() | void | closeSolidShape() | void | createDashedShape(PathIterator p) | void | createSolidShape(PathIterator p) | public Shape | createStrokedShape(Shape s) | public boolean | equals(Object obj) | double | getCornerDelta(double width) | double | getCurveDelta(double width) | public float[] | getDashArray() | public float | getDashPhase() | public int | getEndCap() | public int | getLineJoin() | public float | getLineWidth() | public float | getMiterLimit() | double | getZeroDelta(double width) | public int | hashCode() |
CAP_BUTT | final public static int CAP_BUTT(Code) | | |
CAP_ROUND | final public static int CAP_ROUND(Code) | | |
CAP_SQUARE | final public static int CAP_SQUARE(Code) | | |
CORNER_ANGLE | final static double CORNER_ANGLE(Code) | | |
CORNER_ZERO | final static double CORNER_ZERO(Code) | | |
CUBIC_ARC | final static double CUBIC_ARC(Code) | | |
CURVE_DELTA | final static double CURVE_DELTA(Code) | | |
JOIN_BEVEL | final public static int JOIN_BEVEL(Code) | | |
JOIN_MITER | final public static int JOIN_MITER(Code) | | |
JOIN_ROUND | final public static int JOIN_ROUND(Code) | | |
MAX_LEVEL | final static int MAX_LEVEL(Code) | | Constants for calculating
cap | int cap(Code) | | Stroke cap type
checkMove | boolean checkMove(Code) | | |
cornerDelta | double cornerDelta(Code) | | |
curveDelta | double curveDelta(Code) | | The temporary pre-calculated values
dash | float dash(Code) | | Stroke dashes array
dashPhase | float dashPhase(Code) | | Stroke dash phase
dasher | Dasher dasher(Code) | | Stroke dasher class
dstlprpsp | BufferedPath dstlprpsp(Code) | | The temporary and destination work paths
isMove | boolean isMove(Code) | | The temporary indicators
join | int join(Code) | | Stroke join type
miterLimit | float miterLimit(Code) | | Stroke miter limit
mxmycxcy | double mxmycxcy(Code) | | |
scxscysmxsmy | double scxscysmxsmy(Code) | | |
width | float width(Code) | | Stroke width
zeroDelta | double zeroDelta(Code) | | |
BasicStroke | public BasicStroke()(Code) | | |
BasicStroke | public BasicStroke(float width, int cap, int join, float miterLimit, float[] dash, float dashPhase)(Code) | | |
BasicStroke | public BasicStroke(float width, int cap, int join, float miterLimit)(Code) | | |
BasicStroke | public BasicStroke(float width, int cap, int join)(Code) | | |
BasicStroke | public BasicStroke(float width)(Code) | | |
addCap | void addCap(BufferedPath p, double x0, double y0, double x2, double y2)(Code) | | Adds cap to the work path
Parameters: p - - the BufferedPath object of work path Parameters: x0 - - the x coordinate of the source path Parameters: y0 - - the y coordinate on the source path Parameters: x2 - - the x coordinate of the next point on the work path Parameters: y2 - - the y coordinate of the next point on the work path |
addCubic | void addCubic(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4)(Code) | | Adds solid cubic segment to the work path
Parameters: x1 - - the x coordinate of the first control point Parameters: y1 - - the y coordinate of the first control point Parameters: x2 - - the x coordinate of the second control point Parameters: y2 - - the y coordinate of the second control point Parameters: x3 - - the x coordinate of the third control point Parameters: y3 - - the y coordinate of the third control point Parameters: x4 - - the x coordinate of the fours control point Parameters: y4 - - the y coordinate of the fours control point |
addDashCubic | void addDashCubic(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4)(Code) | | Adds dashed cubic segment to the work path
Parameters: x1 - - the x coordinate of the first control point Parameters: y1 - - the y coordinate of the first control point Parameters: x2 - - the x coordinate of the second control point Parameters: y2 - - the y coordinate of the second control point Parameters: x3 - - the x coordinate of the third control point Parameters: y3 - - the y coordinate of the third control point Parameters: x4 - - the x coordinate of the fours control point Parameters: y4 - - the y coordinate of the fours control point |
addDashLine | void addDashLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)(Code) | | Adds dashed line segment to the work path
Parameters: x1 - - the x coordinate of the start line point Parameters: y1 - - the y coordinate of the start line point Parameters: x2 - - the x coordinate of the end line point Parameters: y2 - - the y coordinate of the end line point |
addDashQuad | void addDashQuad(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)(Code) | | Adds dashed quad segment to the work path
Parameters: x1 - - the x coordinate of the first control point Parameters: y1 - - the y coordinate of the first control point Parameters: x2 - - the x coordinate of the second control point Parameters: y2 - - the y coordinate of the second control point Parameters: x3 - - the x coordinate of the third control point Parameters: y3 - - the y coordinate of the third control point |
addJoin | void addJoin(BufferedPath p, double x0, double y0, double x2, double y2, boolean isLeft)(Code) | | Adds bevel and miter join to the work path
Parameters: p - - the BufferedPath object of work path Parameters: x0 - - the x coordinate of the source path Parameters: y0 - - the y coordinate on the source path Parameters: x2 - - the x coordinate of the next point on the work path Parameters: y2 - - the y coordinate of the next point on the work path Parameters: isLeft - - the orientation of work path, true if work path lies to the left from source path, false otherwise |
addLine | void addLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, boolean zero)(Code) | | Adds solid line segment to the work path
Parameters: x1 - - the x coordinate of the start line point Parameters: y1 - - the y coordinate of the start line point Parameters: x2 - - the x coordinate of the end line point Parameters: y2 - - the y coordinate of the end line point Parameters: zero - - if true it's allowable to add zero length line segment |
addQuad | void addQuad(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)(Code) | | Adds solid quad segment to the work path
Parameters: x1 - - the x coordinate of the first control point Parameters: y1 - - the y coordinate of the first control point Parameters: x2 - - the x coordinate of the second control point Parameters: y2 - - the y coordinate of the second control point Parameters: x3 - - the x coordinate of the third control point Parameters: y3 - - the y coordinate of the third control point |
addRoundJoin | void addRoundJoin(BufferedPath p, double x0, double y0, double x2, double y2, boolean isLeft)(Code) | | Adds round join to the work path
Parameters: p - - the BufferedPath object of work path Parameters: x0 - - the x coordinate of the source path Parameters: y0 - - the y coordinate on the source path Parameters: x2 - - the x coordinate of the next point on the work path Parameters: y2 - - the y coordinate of the next point on the work path Parameters: isLeft - - the orientation of work path, true if work path lies to the left from source path, false otherwise |
addSubCubic | void addSubCubic(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4, int level)(Code) | | Subdivides solid cubic curve to make outline for source quad segment and adds it to work path
Parameters: x1 - - the x coordinate of the first control point Parameters: y1 - - the y coordinate of the first control point Parameters: x2 - - the x coordinate of the second control point Parameters: y2 - - the y coordinate of the second control point Parameters: x3 - - the x coordinate of the third control point Parameters: y3 - - the y coordinate of the third control point Parameters: x4 - - the x coordinate of the fours control point Parameters: y4 - - the y coordinate of the fours control point Parameters: level - - the maximum level of subdivision deepness |
addSubQuad | void addSubQuad(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, int level)(Code) | | Subdivides solid quad curve to make outline for source quad segment and adds it to work path
Parameters: x1 - - the x coordinate of the first control point Parameters: y1 - - the y coordinate of the first control point Parameters: x2 - - the x coordinate of the second control point Parameters: y2 - - the y coordinate of the second control point Parameters: x3 - - the x coordinate of the third control point Parameters: y3 - - the y coordinate of the third control point Parameters: level - - the maximum level of subdivision deepness |
closeDashedShape | void closeDashedShape()(Code) | | Closes dashed shape path
closeSolidShape | void closeSolidShape()(Code) | | Closes solid shape path
createDashedShape | void createDashedShape(PathIterator p)(Code) | | Generates dashed stroked shape
Parameters: p - - the PathIterator of source shape |
createSolidShape | void createSolidShape(PathIterator p)(Code) | | Generates solid stroked shape without dash
Parameters: p - - the PathIterator of source shape |
getCornerDelta | double getCornerDelta(double width)(Code) | | Calculates value to detect small angle
getCurveDelta | double getCurveDelta(double width)(Code) | | Calculates allowable curve derivation
getDashArray | public float[] getDashArray()(Code) | | |
getDashPhase | public float getDashPhase()(Code) | | |
getEndCap | public int getEndCap()(Code) | | |
getLineJoin | public int getLineJoin()(Code) | | |
getLineWidth | public float getLineWidth()(Code) | | |
getMiterLimit | public float getMiterLimit()(Code) | | |
getZeroDelta | double getZeroDelta(double width)(Code) | | Calculates value to detect zero angle
hashCode | public int hashCode()(Code) | | |