| javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactoryBuilder
InitialContextFactoryBuilder | public interface InitialContextFactoryBuilder (Code) | | An initial context factory builder creates an initial context factory, and an
initial context factory creates initial contexts. A variety of different
initial context implementations may be used by a JNDI application. The
application uses NamingManager.setInitialContextFactoryBuilder()
to specify its own or its preferred builder to override JNDI default
policies. Any such builder must implement the
InitialContextFactoryBuilder interface.
createInitialContextFactory | InitialContextFactory createInitialContextFactory(Hashtable, ?> envmt) throws NamingException(Code) | | Uses the environment properties in the specified envmt
parameter to create an initial context factory. If the implementation
needs to keep a copy of envmt or to change it, it will
clone or copy the specified object and use that instead. The
envmt parameter may be null.
Parameters: envmt - the context environment as a Hashtable an initial context factory - cannot be null. throws: NamingException - if an initial context factory could not be created. |