| java.lang.Object javax.naming.spi.NamingManager
All known Subclasses: javax.naming.spi.DirectoryManager,
NamingManager | public class NamingManager (Code) | | The NamingManager class should not be instantiated although it
can be extended by classes within the javax.naming.spi package -
DirectoryManager . All its methods are static.
The methods are used by service providers for accessing object and state
factories and for determining continuation contexts. Many of the methods
create objects. These may be Context objects or objects
referred to by the naming service.
The Name and Hashtable arguments passed to the
NamingManager methods remain owned purely by the calling
method. They must not be changed or referenced.
It should be noted that it is possible for an application to access a
namespace other than that supplied by the default InitialContext
(as specified by Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY ). It is
possible to call the following InitialContext methods passing
a URL string either as the String or Name
parameter: lookup, bin, rebind, unbind, rename, list, listBindings,
destroySubcontext, createSubcontext, lookupLink, getNameParser .
This allows you to have one InitialContext object where these
methods usually use the default initial context but access a URL
Context instead when invoked with a URL string.
A URL string is of the format abc:\nnnnnn where abc is the scheme of the URL.
(See InitialContext where it refers to RFC1738.) When a URL
string is supplied to those InitialContext methods, a URL
context is used instead of the default initial context when performing that
method. URL context factories are used to create URL contexts. A URL context
factory is really just a service provider's implementation of an
ObjectFactory . It is not essential that a service provider
supplies one if they do not wish to support URL Contexts.
See the getURLContext method for a description of how a URL
context factory is located.
Please note that multithreaded access to this class must be safe. For
example, for thread safety, it should not be possible for one thread to read
the installed InitialContextFactoryBuilder or
ObjectFactoryBuilder while another thread is in the process of
setting it.
Also note that privileges should be granted to get the context classloader
and to read the resource files.
See Also: DirectoryManager |
Method Summary | |
public static Context | getContinuationContext(CannotProceedException cpe) Create the next context when using federation. | public static Context | getInitialContext(Hashtable, ?> h) Create an InitialContext from either a previously
installed InitialContextFactoryBuilder or from the
Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY property in the supplied
Hashtable h if no builder is installed. | public static Object | getObjectInstance(Object o, Name n, Context c, Hashtable, ?> h) Create an object from either a previously installed
ObjectFactoryBuilder or from a supplied reference or from
the Context.OBJECT_FACTORIES property in the supplied
Hashtable h .
An installed ObjectFactoryBuilder can generate a factory
which can be used to create the object instance to return to caller. | public static Object | getStateToBind(Object o, Name n, Context c, Hashtable, ?> h) Get the state of an Object.
The Context.STATE_FACTORIES property from the
Hashtable h together with the
Context.STATE_FACTORIES property from the provider
resource file of the Context c provides the list of
factories tried to get an object's state.
Each factory in the list is attempted to be loaded using the context
class loader. | public static Context | getURLContext(String schema, Hashtable, ?> envmt) Creates a URL Context which can subsequently be used to
resolve any URLs with the URL scheme s. | public static boolean | hasInitialContextFactoryBuilder() Returns true when an InitialContextFactoryBuilder has been
installed. | public static void | setInitialContextFactoryBuilder(InitialContextFactoryBuilder icfb) Install an InitialContextFactoryBuilder . | public static synchronized void | setObjectFactoryBuilder(ObjectFactoryBuilder ofb) Install an ObjectFactoryBuilder . |
CPE | final public static String CPE(Code) | | The property name of CannotProceedException in a context's
NamingManager | NamingManager()(Code) | | |
getContinuationContext | public static Context getContinuationContext(CannotProceedException cpe) throws NamingException(Code) | | Create the next context when using federation. All the information
required to do this is contained in the
CannotProceedException e . If the resolved
object is null then throw the supplied
CannotProceedException e using the stack
details from this thread. The resolved object in e may
already be a Context . This is the case where the service
provider gives an explicit pointer to the next naming system. A Context
object is returned as the continuation context, but need not be the same
object instance as the resolved object.
If the resolved object is not already a Context then it is
necessary to use the resolved object together with the
altName name, the altNameCtx context and
the environment hashtable to get an instance of the object. This should
then be a context which is returned as the continuation context. If an
instance cannot be obtained then throw the supplied
CannotProceedException using the stack details from this
This method is responsible for setting the property denoted by the
CPE string to be the supplied
CannotProceedException for the exception e
environment. The continuation context should then inherit this property.
Parameters: cpe - the CannotProceedException generated by thecontext of the previous naming system when it can proceed nofurther. the next Context when using federation throws: NamingException - if the resolved object is null or if a context cannot beobtained from it either directly or indirectly. |
getInitialContext | public static Context getInitialContext(Hashtable, ?> h) throws NoInitialContextException, NamingException(Code) | | Create an InitialContext from either a previously
installed InitialContextFactoryBuilder or from the
Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY property in the supplied
Hashtable h if no builder is installed. An installed
InitialContextFactoryBuilder can generate a factory which
can be used to create the InitialContext . The
Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY property contains the
class of a factory which can be used to create the
InitialContext .
Parameters: h - a hashtable containing properties and values - may be null an InitialContext throws: NoInitialContextException - if the InitialContext cannot be created. throws: NamingException - |
getObjectInstance | public static Object getObjectInstance(Object o, Name n, Context c, Hashtable, ?> h) throws NamingException, Exception(Code) | | Create an object from either a previously installed
ObjectFactoryBuilder or from a supplied reference or from
the Context.OBJECT_FACTORIES property in the supplied
Hashtable h .
An installed ObjectFactoryBuilder can generate a factory
which can be used to create the object instance to return to caller. Any
encountered exceptions are thrown.
If an ObjectFactoryBuilder has not been installed then the
supplied Object o may provide a Reference
or Referenceable object. If so, then that
Object o may have an associated class in a factory which
could be loaded and used to create the object instance. If the factory
class cannot be loaded then the URLClassLoader may be able
to load a class from the list of URLs specified in the reference's
factory class location. Any exceptions encountered are passed up.
If a reference is supplied but no factory class can be loaded from it
then this method returns the supplied object o .
If a factory class loads successfully and can then be used to create an
object instance then that instance is returned to the caller.
If no factory name was associated with the Reference
object o then see whether the Reference or
Referenceable object has any StringRefAddrs
of address type URL or url in its address list. For each entry in the
list, in the order they appear in the list, it may be possible to use the
URL factory to create the object. A URL in a StringRefAddr
should have a scheme which can be used to locate the associated URL
context factory in the same way as in the getURLContext
method. (The scheme is the part which comes before :\. For example the
URL http://www.apache.org has the scheme http.) A URL with no scheme
would be ignored for these purposes.
If no ObjectFactoryBuilder was installed, no factory class
name is supplied with a Reference and no URL contexts
succeeded in creating an Object then try the factories in
Context.OBJECT_FACTORIES for this environment. Also try
the provider resource file belonging to the context c .
(See Context description for details of Provider resource
files.) If any factory throws an exception then pass that back to the
caller - no further factories are tried.
If all factories fail to load or create the Object then
return the argument object o as the returned object.
Parameters: o - an object which may provide reference or location information.May be null. Parameters: n - The name of the Object relative to the defaultinitial context(or relative to the Context c if it issupplied) Parameters: c - the Context to which the Name isrelative Parameters: h - a Hashtable containing environment propertiesand values - may be null a new Object or the supplied Object o if one cannot be created. throws: NamingException - if one is encountered throws: Exception - if any other exception is encountered |
getStateToBind | public static Object getStateToBind(Object o, Name n, Context c, Hashtable, ?> h) throws NamingException(Code) | | Get the state of an Object.
The Context.STATE_FACTORIES property from the
Hashtable h together with the
Context.STATE_FACTORIES property from the provider
resource file of the Context c provides the list of
factories tried to get an object's state.
Each factory in the list is attempted to be loaded using the context
class loader. Once a class is loaded then it can be used to create a new
instance of it to obtain the factory which can then use its
getStateToBind to find the return object. Once an object
is found then it is not necessary to examine further factories and the
object is returned it as the return parameter.
If no factory is loaded or all loaded factories fail to return an object
then return the supplied Object o as the return param.
Note for service provider implementors: Classes which implement the
StateFactory interface must be public with a public
constructor that has no parameters.
Parameters: o - an object which may provide reference or location information.May be null. Parameters: n - the name of the Object relative to the defaultinitial context (or relative to the Context c if it issupplied) Parameters: c - the Context to which the Name isrelative Parameters: h - a Hashtable containing environment propertiesand values - may be null the state of the specified object throws: NamingException - if one is encountered |
getURLContext | public static Context getURLContext(String schema, Hashtable, ?> envmt) throws NamingException(Code) | | Creates a URL Context which can subsequently be used to
resolve any URLs with the URL scheme s. A URLContextFactory
is a type of ObjectFactory used to create a
URLContext when getObjectInstance is
invoked with the Object o set to null (see the description
of ObjectFactory ).
This getURLContext method tries to locate the
URLContextFactory based on the
Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES property which contains the
prefixes to be tried as the start of the package name. (See
Context ).
Each package prefix entry (and finally the default value) are tried to
find the class which can be used to create the Context.
A full class name is derived as
packageprefix.s.sURLContextFactory where s
is the scheme.
For example if a scheme is abc and the package prefix to try is com.ibm
then the factory class to try is
com.ibm.abc.abcURLContextFactory . Once a factory is
created then a Context is created using the special use of
ObjectFactory.getObjectInstance .
Once a first factory is created, it is used to create the context, and NO
further attempts will be made on other pkg prefixes.
Parameters: schema - the URL scheme to which the Context will relate Parameters: envmt - a Hashtable containing environment propertiesand values - may be null the URL Context or null if noURLContextFactory instance can be created andtherefore a Context cannot be created. throws: NamingException - if one is encountered. |
hasInitialContextFactoryBuilder | public static boolean hasInitialContextFactoryBuilder()(Code) | | Returns true when an InitialContextFactoryBuilder has been
true when an InitialContextFactoryBuilder has beeninstalled. |
setInitialContextFactoryBuilder | public static void setInitialContextFactoryBuilder(InitialContextFactoryBuilder icfb) throws IllegalStateException, SecurityException, NamingException(Code) | | Install an InitialContextFactoryBuilder . Once this has
been set it cannot be reset. Attempts to do so cause an
IllegalStateException . The builder can only be installed
if the security policy allows the setting of the factory.
Parameters: icfb - the builder to be installed - can be null, but then no builderis installed. throws: IllegalStateException - if an builder has already been installed. throws: SecurityException - is a security error prevents the installation. throws: NamingException - for other errors encountered. |
setObjectFactoryBuilder | public static synchronized void setObjectFactoryBuilder(ObjectFactoryBuilder ofb) throws IllegalStateException, SecurityException, NamingException(Code) | | Install an ObjectFactoryBuilder . Once this has been set
it cannot be reset. Attempts to do so cause an
IllegalStateException . The builder can only be installed
if the security policy allows the setting of the factory.
Parameters: ofb - the ObjectFactoryBuilder to be installed - canbe null, but then no builder is installed. throws: IllegalStateException - if an ObjectFactoryBuilder has already beeninstalled. throws: SecurityException - is a security error prevents the installation. throws: NamingException - for other errors encountered. |