A singleton factory class that generates SyncProvider instances. There are
three places to search SyncProviders: system properties, resource files and
the JNDI context.
Applications can also use it to add and remove SyncProviders at runtime.
Answers the specific SyncProvider implementation according to the given
String ID. When the given ID does not exist in the registeration table,
it returns the default provider.
Parameters: providerID - -The unique ID of the SyncProvider implementation - The specific SyncProvider instance throws: SyncFactoryException -
Answers the Logger instance used for recording events triggered by
- the logging object throws: SyncFactoryException - -if the logger is null.
Answers the collection of SyncProvider instances that can be retrieved.
RowSet implementation is able to use any member in this enumeration.
- the collection of SyncProvider registered in SyncFactory. throws: SyncFactoryException -
Adds the corresponding SyncProvider implementation into SyncFactory's
registeration table.
Parameters: providerID - -The unique ID of the SyncProvider implementation throws: SyncFactoryException - -if the parameter providerID is null or empty.
Sets the JNDI context from which the implementation of SyncProvider can
be got.
Parameters: ctx - -the JNDI context throws: SyncFactoryException - -if the given JNDI context is null
Sets the logging object. All of the SyncProvider implementations can log
events to the object. This object can be retrieved by the getLogger
Parameters: logger - -the logging object
Sets the logging object and its corresponding logging level. All of the
SyncProvider implementations can log events to the object. This object
can be retrieved by the getLogger method.
Parameters: logger - -the logging object
Removes the SyncProvider from SyncFactory's registeration table.
Parameters: providerID - -The unique ID of the SyncProvider implementation throws: SyncFactoryException - -Removes a unregistered provider.