| java.lang.Object javax.swing.text.LayeredHighlighter javax.swing.text.DefaultHighlighter
Inner Class :public static class DefaultHighlightPainter extends LayerPainter | |
DefaultPainter | final public static LayerPainter DefaultPainter(Code) | | DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlighterPainter with color equal to null
DefaultHighlighter | public DefaultHighlighter()(Code) | | Calls setDrawLayeredHighlights(true). Initializes internal vector
variable to store highlights in future.
getDrawsLayeredHighlights | public boolean getDrawsLayeredHighlights()(Code) | | |
paint | public void paint(Graphics g)(Code) | | Looks trough highlights vector (down) to calls paint of Highlight
painter. Method paint of highlight painter is called, if the Highlight is
added at getDrawsLayeredHighlights() equals false or the Highlght painter
doesn't instance of LayeredHighlighter.LayeredHighlightPainter.
paintLayeredHighlights | public void paintLayeredHighlights(Graphics g, int p0, int p1, Shape viewBounds, JTextComponent editor, View view)(Code) | | Look through highlights vector (up) to calls paintLayer of Highlight
painter. Method paintLayer of Highlight painter is called, if
getStartOffet() and getEndOffset() of the Highlight corresponds to view,
painter is instance of LayeredHighlight.LayeredHightPainter, and the
Highlight is added at getDrawsLayeredHighlights() equals true.
removeAllHighlights | public void removeAllHighlights()(Code) | | Calls repaint of component with parameters corresponding to bounds of
deleted highlight (for each highlight).
removeHighlight | public void removeHighlight(Object obj)(Code) | | Calls repaint of component with parameters corresponding to bounds of
deleted highlight.
setDrawsLayeredHighlights | public void setDrawsLayeredHighlights(boolean b)(Code) | | Defines paint order for Highlight is added at this setting. If b equals
false, added highlight will be painted only by call paint method of
highlight painter. Otherwise, if added highlighter is instance of
LayeredHighlighter.LayeredHighlightPainter, method paintLayer of
HighlightPainter will be used.
Parameters: b - |