Test method for 'javax.naming.ldap.Rdn.Rdn(String)'
Here we are testing combinations of UTF8
The expected result for tests between 001 to 005 is an instance of Rdn, in the case of
006 should raise an exception.
Decimal Octal Hex Binary Value
------- ----- --- ------ -----
000 000 000 00000000 NUL (Null char.)
001 001 001 00000001 SOH (Start of Header)
002 002 002 00000010 STX (Start of Text)
003 003 003 00000011 ETX (End of Text)
004 004 004 00000100 EOT (End of Transmission)
005 005 005 00000101 ENQ (Enquiry)
006 006 006 00000110 ACK (Acknowledgment)
007 007 007 00000111 BEL (Bell)
008 010 008 00001000 BS (Backspace)
009 011 009 00001001 HT (Horizontal Tab)
010 012 00A 00001010 LF (Line Feed)
011 013 00B 00001011 VT (Vertical Tab)
012 014 00C 00001100 FF (Form Feed)
013 015 00D 00001101 CR (Carriage Return)
014 016 00E 00001110 SO (Shift Out)
015 017 00F 00001111 SI (Shift In)
016 020 010 00010000 DLE (Data Link Escape)
017 021 011 00010001 DC1 (XON) (Device Control 1)
018 022 012 00010010 DC2 (Device Control 2)
019 023 013 00010011 DC3 (XOFF)(Device Control 3)
020 024 014 00010100 DC4 (Device Control 4)
021 025 015 00010101 NAK (Negative Acknowledgement)
022 026 016 00010110 SYN (Synchronous Idle)
023 027 017 00010111 ETB (End of Trans. |