| org.apache.harmony.awt.Scrollable
Scrollable | public interface Scrollable (Code) | | An internal AWT interface similar to
javax.swing.Scrollable. Should be implemented
by a Container with a single child component
and scrolling behavior, such as
ALWAYS | final public static int ALWAYS(Code) | | |
AS_NEEDED | final public static int AS_NEEDED(Code) | | Constants for possible scrollbar
display policies, define which scrollbars
should be displayed and when they should
be displayed
HORIZONTAL_ONLY | final public static int HORIZONTAL_ONLY(Code) | | |
NEVER | final public static int NEVER(Code) | | |
VERTICAL_ONLY | final public static int VERTICAL_ONLY(Code) | | |
doRepaint | void doRepaint()(Code) | | Repaints all the viewport(client area) of the Container
doRepaint | void doRepaint(Rectangle r)(Code) | | Repaints the specified rectangle of the container
getAdjustableHeight | int getAdjustableHeight()(Code) | | Gets horizontal scrollbar height
height of the horizontal adjustable |
getAdjustableMode | int getAdjustableMode(Adjustable adj)(Code) | | Gets scrollbar display policy for adjustable
Parameters: adj - scrollbar one of 5 constantsidentifying when the specified scrollbar is displayed |
getAdjustableWidth | int getAdjustableWidth()(Code) | | Gets vertical scrollbar width
width of the vertical adjustable |
getComponent | Component getComponent()(Code) | | Gets the current child component to scroll.
component location of which should be changedwhile scrolling |
getHAdjustable | Adjustable getHAdjustable()(Code) | | Adjustable interfaceof horizontal scrollbar |
getHeight | int getHeight()(Code) | | height of the container |
getInsets | Insets getInsets()(Code) | | Gets container insets NOT including
scrollbars(adjustables) area
getLocation | Point getLocation()(Code) | | Gets scroll location
current scroll location, i. e.(0, 0) point of container viewportin child component coordinates |
getSize | Dimension getSize()(Code) | | Gets the current scroll size
size of the child component being scrolled insidecontainer, which typically exceeds size of thecontainer itself |
getVAdjustable | Adjustable getVAdjustable()(Code) | | Adjustable interfaceof vertical scrollbar |
getWidth | int getWidth()(Code) | | width of the container |
setAdjustableBounds | void setAdjustableBounds(Adjustable adj, Rectangle r)(Code) | | Sets scrollbar bounds relative to container origin
Parameters: adj - scrollbar being changed Parameters: r - new bounds |
setAdjustableSizes | void setAdjustableSizes(Adjustable adj, int vis, int min, int max)(Code) | | Internal AWT method for changing adjustable minimum,
maximum and visible amount
Parameters: adj - Adjustable to be changed Parameters: vis - new visible amount Parameters: min - new minimum value Parameters: max - new maximum value |
setLocation | void setLocation(Point p)(Code) | | Scrolls component to the specified location
within child component
Parameters: p - new scroll location inContainer coordinates |