java.lang .Object java.lang .Thread .ImageLoader ImageLoader public class ImageLoader extends Thread (Code) This class provides functionality for simultaneous loading of
several images and running animation.
Inner Class :static class ImageLoadersStorage
ImageLoader ImageLoader() (Code)
addImageSource public static void addImageSource(DecodingImageSource imgSrc)(Code) Adds a new image source to the queue and starts a new loader
thread if required
Parameters: imgSrc - - image source
beginAnimation static void beginAnimation() (Code) Removes current thread from loaders (so we are able
to create more loaders) and decreases its priority.
endAnimation static void endAnimation() (Code) Sends the current thread to wait for the new images to load
if there are free placeholders for loaders
run public void run()(Code) Entry point of the loader thread. Picks up image sources and
runs decoders for them while there are available image sources in the queue.
If there are no and timeout expires it terminates.